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9101. Han JS, Chen XH, Sun SL, Xu XJ, Yuan Y, Yan SC, Hao JX, Tereius L: Effect of low- and high-frequency TENS on met-enkephalin-Arg-Phe and dynorphin A immunoreactivity in human lumbar CSF. Pain, 1991; 47: 295-298


9102. Ma QP, Han JS: Neurochemical studies on the mesolimbic circuitry of antinociception. Brain Res, 1991; 566: 95-102


9103. Ma QP, Han JS: Naloxone blocke the rekease of opioid peptides in PAG and nucleus accumbens induced by intra-amygdaloid injection of morphine. Peptides, 1991, 12: 1235-1238


9104. Ma QP, Shi YS, Han JS: The interaction between periaqueductal gray and nucleus accumbens in acceleration the release of enkephalins and b-endorphin.Chinese Science Bulletin, 1991; 36: 2083-2087


9105. Ma QP, Yin GF, Ai MK, Han JS: Serotonergic projections from the nucleus raphe dorsalis to the amygdala in the rat. Neuroscience Letters, 1991; 134: 21-24


9106. Mei L, Han JS: Central cholecystokinin octapeptide accelerationg the recovery of the rat hemorrhagic shock. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1991; 36: 1993-1997


9107. Wang Q, Mao LM, Han JS: The role of parabrachial nucleus in high frequency eletroacupuncture analgesia in rats. Chinese Journal of Physiological Sciences, 1991; 7: 363-367


9108. 马青平, 韩济生: 伏核和杏仁核在脑啡肽和b-内啡肽的释放中的相互作用。生理学报, 1991; 43: 189-194


9109. 毛利民,王强,韩济生:大鼠脊髓不同类型安排受体在介导下丘脑弓状核刺激镇痛中的作用。中国药理学和毒理学杂志1991, 5: 81-84.