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8201. Fan SG, Qu ZC, Zhe QZ, Han JS: GABA: Antagonistic effect on electroacupuncture analgesia and morphine analgesia in the rat. Life Science, 1982; 31: 1225-1228


8202. Han JS: Tolerance to acupuncture analgesia and its crosstolerance to morphine. Acupuncture Research, 1982; 7: 163-174


8203. Han JS: Uber die neurochemische basis der akupunktur-analgesie: Endorphin, serotonin, noradrenalin. Akupunktur Theorie und Praxis, 1982; 10: 146-157


8204. Han JS: Neurochemical basis of acupuncture analgesia. Annual Review of Pharmacology & Toxicology, 1982; 22: 193-220


8205. Han JS, Xie CW: Dynorphin: Potent analgesic effect in spinal cord of the rat. Life Science, 1982; 31: 1781-1783


8206. Han JS, Xie GX, Zhou ZF, Folkesson R, Terenius L: Enkephalin and b-endorphin as mediators of electroacupuncture analgesia in rabbits: An antiserum microinjection study. Adv Biochem Psychopharmacol, 1982; 33: 369-377


8207. Li SJ, Tang J, Han JS: The impliction of central serotonin in electroacupuncture tolerance in the rat. Scientia Sinica, 1982; 25: 620-626


8208. Xuan YT, Zhou ZF, Han JS: Tolerance to electroacupuncture analgesia was reversed by microinjection of 5-hydroxytryptophan into nucleus accumbens in the rabbit. International Journal of Neuroscience, 1982; 17: 157-161


8210. 范少光,王跃华,屠亚红,徐红,屈智超,韩济生: 安定对抗大鼠电针和吗啡镇痛作用。北京医学院学报, 1982; 14: 234-236


8211. 李思嘉,汤健,韩济生: 5-羟色胺耐受及其在电针耐受和吗啡耐受中的作用。中国药理学报, 1982; 3: 159-163


8212. 梁凯,李思嘉,汤健,韩济生,徐超,杨春莲,刘淑英,王建林: 电针耐受时大鼠脑内cAMPcGMP含量的变化。针刺研究, 1982; 7: 132-136


8213. 邱学才,黄忠鼎,韩济生: 僵核内注射cGMP及二丁酰cGMP对大白鼠电针镇痛和电针耐受的影响。科学通报, 1982; 25: 620-629


8214. 周仲福,宣雨霆,韩济生: 脑室注射纳洛酮和桂硫胺对家兔电针镇痛的影响。针刺研究, 1982; 7: 31-35


8215. 周仲福,宣雨霆,乌文英,韩济生: 家兔电针镇痛与吗啡镇痛的交叉耐受。生理学报, 1982; 27: 1147-1149