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副所长 系副主任 邢国刚教授

















E-mail: ggxing@bjmu.edu.cn



中国神经科学学会神经内稳态与内分泌分会常务委员,中国神经科学学会感觉和运动分会、中华医学会疼痛学分会、中国针灸学会针刺麻醉分会、中华医学会儿科学分会脑科学委员会、中国微循环学会神经变性病专业委员会等专业委员会委员。Brain Sciences、Journal of Pain Research、Frontiers in Pain Research、Annals of Biomedical Research中国疼痛医学杂志等学术期刊编委。国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金等评审专家。



2001年于西安交通大学获得博士学位,同年在北京大学神经科学研究所做博士后研究,2003年8月任北京大学神经科学研究所讲师,2004年晋升副教授。2004年至2006年先后在美国Sanford Burnham Prebys(SBP)医学研究所和威斯康星大学神经科学系做高级访学。2013年至今任北京大学神经科学研究所教授。主要研究慢性痛,揭示疼痛慢性化及共病焦虑抑郁的外周与中枢机制。主持和参加包括国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划项目、国家重点基础研究发展计划(科技部“973”计划)课题、国家重大科研仪器研制项目、国家卫健委行业专项基金等多项国家级与省部级课题,在Advanced Materials, Molecular Psychiatry, The Journal of Neuroscience, Pain, Science Signaling等国内外学术期刊上发表研究论著100余篇。参加编写国家卫健委“十三五”规划教材《生理学》及《康复生理学》(人民卫生出版社)等教材和专著10部。获得北京市自然科学奖二等奖(2019年)、北京市科学技术奖二等奖(2012年)和中国针灸学会科学技术奖二等奖(2010年)等奖项。



(1) 疼痛与记忆、认知和情绪机制研究:


(2) 干细胞与神经发育障碍性疾病研究:




2022.01-2025.12: 国家自然科学基金面上项目“神经病理痛共病抑郁症的杏仁核L--B微环路及分子机制研究”(82171226)       

2022.01-2024.12: 北京市自然科学基金面上项目“杏仁核调控神经病理痛共病抑郁症的Le部微环路及分子机制”(7222105)       

















(1) 2019年北京市科学技术奖(自然科学奖)二等奖(新型生物信息微纳传感器应用基础研究,证书号: 2019-Z02-2-01-R04)       

(2) 2018年北京大学基础医学院SCI论文引用奖

(3) 2015年北京大学基础医学院SCI论文引用奖

(4) 2014韩济生疼痛医学论文奖三等奖

(5) 2012年度北京市科学技术奖二等奖(针刺治疗慢性痛的神经生物学机制研究) (证书号: 2012医-2-002-03)

(6) 2012年北京大学基础医学院优秀SCI论文奖二等奖

(7) 2012年北京大学基础医学院SCI论文引用奖(2篇)

(8) 2011年北京大学基础医学院SCI论文引用奖

(9) 2010年中国针灸学会科学技术奖二等奖 (中医针灸学理论指导下针刺镇痛的神经生物学机制研究) (证书号: ZJ2010003-2-03)

(10) 2009年度北京大学医学部优秀教师奖


研究论文(*通讯作者; #co-first author):

(1) Ke Xi#, Si-Qing Cai#, Hui-Fang Yan, Yue Tian, Jie Cai, Xiao-Mei Yang*, Jing Min Wang*, Guo-Gang Xing*. CSMD3 deficiency leads to motor impairments and autism-like behaviors via dysfunction of cerebellar Purkinje cells in mice. The Journal of Neuroscience 2023 Apr 10:JN-RM-1835-22. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1835-22.2023. Online ahead of print. PMID: 37037606.


(2)  Zhu-Lin Yuan#, Xiao-Dan Liu#, Zi-Xian Zhang#, Song Li, Yue Tian, Ke Xi, Jie Cai, Xiao-Mei Yang, Min Liu, Guo-Gang Xing*. Activation of GDNF-ERK-Runx1 signaling contributes to P2X3R gene transcription and bone cancer pain. iScience 2022 Aug 13; 25(9): 104936. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104936.


(3) Fan Xu#, Xian-wei Zou#, Li-qiong Yang#, Shi-cong Mo#, Quan-hao Guo, Jing Zhang, Xiechuan Weng* and Guo-Gang Xing*. Facial muscle movements in patients with Parkinson’s disease undergoing phonation tests. Frontiers in Neurology 2022 Oct 31; 13:1018362. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.1018362.


(4)  Hong Yao#, Minghui Liu#, Leibo Wang#, Yumeng Zu#, Chou Wu#, Chenyu Li, Ruoxi Zhang, Haigen Lu, Feifei Li, Shuang Xi, Shuangquan Chen, Xuanyu Gu, Tianya Liu, Jie Cai, Shirong Wang, Maojun Yang, Guo-Gang Xing, Wei Xiong, Lan Hua, Yefeng Tang* and Gelin Wang*. Discovery of small-molecule activators of nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT) and their preclinical neuroprotective activity. Cell Research 2022 Jun;32(6):570-584. doi: 10.1038/s41422-022-00651-9.


(5) Yajie Liu#, Yu An, Guo-Gang Xing, Zirun Jin, KeXi, Yongwei Huo, Rui He, Hao Wang, Xiali Ouyang, Yueping Huang, Chang Huang, Li Han, Baixiao Zhao*. Effect of moxa smoke on sperm parameters and oxidative stress in rats with asthenozoospermia. Anatomical Record (Hoboken) 2022 Jun 6. doi: 10.1002/ar.25002. Online ahead of print.


(6) Wang Wang#, Wei-Zhen Liu, Zi-Liang Wang, Dong-Xiao Duan, Xue-Yun Wang, Shi-Jin Liu, Zhi-Ju Wang, Guo-Gang Xing*, Ying Xing*. Spinal microglial activation promotes perioperative social defeat stress-induced prolonged postoperative pain in a sex-dependent manner. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 2022 Feb;100:88-104. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2021.11.010.


(7)  Min Hao, Zixian Zhang, Chao Liu, Yue Tian, Jiazhi Duan, Jianlong He, Zhaoyang Sun, He Xia, Shan Zhang, Shuhua Wang, Yuanhua Sang*, Guo-Gang Xing*, Hong Liu*. Hydroxyapatite Nanorods Function as Safe and Effective Growth Factors Regulating Neural Differentiation and Neuron Development. Advanced Materials 2021 Aug;33(33):e2100895. doi: 10.1002/adma.202100895.


(8)  Hong Jiang#, Jiang-Ping Liu#, Ke Xi#, Ling-Yu Liu, Ling-Yu Kong, Jie Cai, Si-Qing Cai, Xi-Yuan Han, Jing-Gui Song, Xiao-Mei Yang, You Wan, Guo-Gang Xing*. Contribution of AMPA receptor-mediated LTD in LA/BLA-CeA pathway to comorbid aversive and depressive symptoms in neuropathic pain. Journal of Neuroscience 2021 Aug 25;41(34):7278-7299. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2678-20.2021. Epub 2021 Jul 16.


(9)  Jiang-Ping Liu#, Hong-Bo Jing#, Ke Xi, Zi-Xian Zhang, Zi-Run Jin, Si-Qing Cai, Yue Tian, Jie Cai and Guo-Gang Xing*. Contribution of TRESK two-pore domain potassium channel to bone cancer-induced spontaneous pain and evoked cutaneous pain in rats. Molecular Pain 2021 Jun; 17:17448069211023230. doi: 10.1177/17448069211023230.


(10)  Zi-Run Jin, Dong Fang, Bo-Heng Liu, Jie Cai, Wen-Hao Tang, Hui Jiang, Guo-Gang Xing*. Roles of CatSper channels in the pathogenesis of asthenozoospermia and the therapeutic effects of acupuncture-like treatment on asthenozoospermia. Theranostics 2021; 11(6):2822-2844. doi:10.7150/thno.51869.


(11)  Xiao-Yu Chen, Dan-Yu Song, Li Jiang, Dan-Dan Tan, Yi-Dan Liu, Jie-Yu Liu, Xing-Zhi Chang, Guo-Gang Xing, Tatsushi Toda, Hui Xiong*. Phenotype and genotype study of chinese POMT2-related a-dystroglycanopathy. Frontiers in Genetics 2021 Aug 3;12:692479. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021. 692479. eCollection 2021.


(12)  Shiyang Huang#, Can Zheng#, Guoguang Xie#, Zhanming Song, Pingzhang Wang, Yun Bai, Dixin Chen, Yan Zhang, Ping Lv, Weiwei Liang, Shaoping She, Qingqing Li, Zhongtian Liu1, Yun Wang, Guo-Gang Xing*, Ying Wang*. FAM19A5/TAFA5, a novel neurokine, plays a crucial role in depressive-like and spatial memory-related behaviors in mice. Molecular Psychiatry 2021 Jun;26(6): 2363-2379. doi: 10.1038/s41380-020-0720-x. Online ahead of print.


(13) Ran Huo#, Song-Ping Han#, Feng-Yu Liu, Xiao-Jing Shou, Ling-Yu Liu, Tian-Jia Song, Fu-Jun Zhai, Rong Zhang, Guo-Gang Xing*, Ji-Sheng Han*. The response of primary afferent fibers to acupuncture-like peripheral stimulation at different frequencies: characterization by single-unit recording in rats. Neuroscience Bulletin 2020 May 11. doi: 10.1007/s12264-020-00509-3. Online ahead of print.


(14) Meng Xue, Ya-Lan Sun, Yang-Yang Xia, Zhi-Hua Huang, Cheng Huang* and Guo-Gang Xing*. Electroacupuncture modulates spinal BDNF/TrkB signaling pathway and ameliorates the sensitization of dorsal horn WDR neurons in spared nerve injury rats. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2020 Sep 7;21(18): E6524. doi: 10.3390/ijms21186524.


(15) Ya-Jing Liang, Shi-Yang Feng, Ya-Ping Qi, Kai Li, Zi-Run Jin, Hong-Bo Jing, Ling-Yu Liu, Jie Cai, Guo-Gang Xing*, Kai-Yuan Fu*. Contribution of microglial reaction to increased nociceptive responses in high-fat-diet (HFD)-induced obesity in male mice. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 2019 Aug; 80:777-792. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2019.05.026. Epub 2019 May 17.


(16) Yu Zhang, Shengwei Xu, Guihua Xiao, Yilin Song, Fei Gao, Mixia Wang, Hongyan Zhao, Guogang Xing, Xinxia Cai*. High frequency stimulation of subthalamic nucleus synchronously modulates primary motor cortex and caudate putamen based on dopamine concentration and electrophysiology activities using microelectrode arrays in Parkinson's disease rats. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL 2019 Dec 12; 301:127126.


(17) Guihua Xiao, Yilin Song, Yu Zhang, Yu Xing, Hongyan Zhao, Jingyu Xie, Shengwei Xu, Fei Gao, Mixia Wang, Guogang Xing, Xinxia Cai*. Microelectrode Arrays Modified with Nanocomposites for Monitoring Dopamine and Spike Firings under Deep Brain Stimulation in Rat Models of Parkinson's Disease. ACS Sensors 2019 Aug 23;4(8):1992-2000. doi: 10.1021/acssensors. 9b00182.


(18) Ling-Yu Liu, Rui-Ling Zhang, Lin Chen, Hong-Yan Zhao, Jie Cai, Jia-Kang Wang, Da-Qing Guo, Yan-Jun Cui*, Guo-Gang Xing*. Chronic stress increases pain sensitivity via activation of the rACC–BLA pathway in rats. Experimental Neurology 2019 Mar;313:109-123.


(19) Yue Yang#, Song Li#, Zi-Run Jin#, Hong-Bo Jing#, Hong-Yan Zhao, Bo-Heng Liu, Ya-Jing Liang, Ling-Yu Liu, Jie Cai, You Wan, Guo-Gang Xing*. Decreased abundance of TRESK two-pore domain potassium channels in sensory neurons underlies the pain associated with bone metastasis. Science Signaling 2018 Oct 16; 11(552). pii:eaao5150. DOI: 10.1126/scisignal.aao5150.


(20) Hong-Yan Zhao, Ling-Yu Liu, Jie Cai, Yan-Jun Cui*, Guo-Gang Xing*. Electro-acupuncture Treatment Alleviates the Remifentanil-induced Hyperalgesia by Regulating the Activities of Ventral Posterior Lateral Nucleus of the Thalamus Neurons in Rats. Neural Plasticity 2018 Nov 11; 2018:6109723. doi: 10.1155/2018/6109723. eCollection 2018.


(21) Lin Chen#, Song Li#, Jie Cai, Tian-Jiao Wei, Ling-Yu Liu, Hong-Yan Zhao, Bo-Heng Liu, Hong-Bo Jing, Zi-Run Jin, Min Liu, You Wan, Guo-Gang Xing*. Activation of CRF/CRFR1 signaling in the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala contributes to chronic forced swim-induced depressive-like behaviors in rats. Behavioural Brain Research 2018 Feb; 338:134-142.


(22) Xu Ding, Ya-Jing Liang, Li Su, Fei-Fei Liao, Dong Fang, Jun Tai, Guo-Gang Xing*. BDNF contributes to the neonatal incision-induced facilitation of spinal long-term potentiation and the exacerbation of incisional pain in adult rats. Neuropharmacology 2018; 137:114-132.


(23) Ming-Jia Li#, Ling-Yu Liu#, Lin Chen#, Jie Cai, You Wan, Guo-Gang Xing*. Chronic stress exacerbates neuropathic pain via the integration of stress-affect related information and nociceptive information in the central nucleus of the amygdala. Pain 2017 Apr;158(4):717-739.


(24) Song Li, Jie Cai, Zhi-Bo Feng, Zi-Run Jin, Bo-Heng Liu, Hong-Yan Zhao, Hong-Bo Jing, Tian-Jiao Wei, Guan-Nan Yang, Ling-Yu Liu, Yan-Jun Cui*, Guo-Gang Xing*. BDNF contributes to spinal long-term potentiation and mechanical hypersensitivity via Fyn-mediated phosphorylation of NMDA receptor GluN2B subunit at tyrosine 1472 in rats following spinal nerve ligation. Neurochemical Research 2017 Oct; 42(10): 2712-2729.


(25) Fan Qu, Rong Li, Wei Sun, Ge Lin, Rong Zhang, Jing Yang, Li Tian, Guo-Gang Xing, Hui Jiang, Fei Gong, Xiao-Yan Liang, Yan Meng, Jia-Yin Liu, Li-Ying Zhou, Shu-Yu Wang, Yan Wu, Yi-Jing He, Jia-Yu Ye, Song-Ping Han, Ji-Sheng Han*. Use of electroacupuncture and transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation in reproductive medicine: a group consensus. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B (Biomedicine & Biotechnology) 2017 18(3):186-193.


(26) Li Li, Qinghai Liu, Long Fan, Wei Xiao, Lei Zhao, Yu Wang, Weiguang Ye, Fei Lan, Bin Jia, Hua Feng, Changman Zhou, Xiuqin Yue, Guo-Gang Xing*, Tianlong Wang*. Protective effects of oxymatrine against arsenic trioxide-induced liver injury. Protective effects of oxymatrine against arsenic trioxide-induced liver injury. Oncotarget 2017 Feb 21;8(8):12792-12799. Published online 2016 Oct 5. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.12478


(27) Yi-Jing Li, Xing-Jie Ping, Chong Qi, Fang Shen, Lin-Lin Sun, Xiao-Wei Sun, Fei-Fei Ge, Guo-Gang Xing and Cai-Lian Cui*. Re-exposure to morphine-associated context facilitated long-term potentiation in the vSUB-NAc glutamatergic pathway via GluN2B-containing receptor activation. Addiction Biology 2017 Mar; 22(2):435-445. doi: 10.1111/adb.12343. Epub 2015 Dec 22


(28) Jing Wang, Jing Wang, Guo-Gang Xing, Xiao-Li Li* and You Wan*. Enhanced Gamma Oscillatory Activity in Rats with Chronic Inflammatory Pain. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2016 Nov 1; 10:489. eCollection 2016.


(29) Dong Fang#, Ling-Yu Kong#, Jie Cai#, Song Li, Xiao-Dan Liu, Ji-Sheng Han, Guo-Gang Xing*. Interleukin-6-mediated functional upregulation of TRPV1 receptors in dorsal root ganglion neurons through the activation of JAK/PI3K signaling pathway: roles in the development of bone cancer pain in a rat model. Pain 2015 Apr;156(6):1124-1144.


(30) Xing Xiao, Xiao-Tao Zhao, Ling-Chi Xu, Lu-Peng Yue, Feng-Yu Liu, Jie Cai, Fei-Fei Liao, Jin-Ge Kong, Guo-Gang Xing, Ming Yi, You Wan*. Shp-1 dephosphorylates TRPV1 in dorsal root ganglion neurons and alleviates CFA-induced inflammatory pain in rats. Pain 2015 Apr; 156(4):597-608.


(31) Jie Cai, Dong Fang, Xiao-Dan Liu, Song Li, Juan Ren* and Guo-Gang Xing*. Suppression of KCNQ/M (Kv7) potassium channels in the spinal cord contributes to the sensitization of dorsal horn WDR neurons and pain hypersensitivity in a rat model of bone cancer pain. Oncology Reports 2015 Mar; 33(3): 1540-1550.


(32) Xu Ding, Jie Cai, Song Li, Xiao-Dan Liu, You Wan, Guo-Gang Xing*. BDNF contributes to the development of neuropathic pain by induction of spinal long-term potentiation via SHP2 associated GluN2B-containing NMDA receptors activation in rats with spinal nerve ligation. Neurobiology of Disease 2015 Jan; 73:428-451. Epub 2014 Nov 8.


(33) Xiao-Dan Liu#, Jing-Jing Yang#, Dong Fang, Jie Cai, You Wan*, Guo-Gang Xing*. Functional Upregulation of Nav1.8 Sodium Channels on the Membrane of Dorsal Root Ganglia Neurons Contributes to the Development of Cancer-Induced Bone Pain. PLoS One December 11, 2014, 9(12): e114623.


(34) Hong Jiang#, Dong Fang#, Ling-Yu Kong, Zi-Run Jin, Jie Cai, Xue-Jing Kang, You Wan* and Guo-Gang Xing*. Sensitization of neurons in the central nucleus of the amygdala via the decreased GABAergic inhibition contributes to the development of neuropathic pain-related anxiety-like behaviors in rats. Molecular Brain 2014 Oct 4; 7(1):72-93.


(35) Lei Ding#, Jie Cai#, Xiang-Yang Guo, Xiu-Li Meng*, Guo-Gang Xing*. The anti-allodynic action of pregabalin may depend on the suppression of spinal neuronal hyperexcitability via decreasing the dorsal horn N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in rats with spared nerve injury. Pain Research & Management 2014; 19(4): 205-211.


(36) Yan Li, Jie Cai, Yin Han, Xin Xiao, Xiang-Lin Meng, Li Su, Feng-Yu Liu, Guo-Gang Xing, You Wan*. Enhanced function of TRPV1 via up-regulation by insulin-like growth factor-1 in a rat model of bone cancer pain. European journal of pain 2014; 18(6):774-84.


(37) Fei Yang, Jia Guo, Wei-Liang Sun, Feng-Yu Liu, Jie Cai, Guo-Gang Xing, You Wan*. The induction of long-term potentiation in spinal dorsal horn after peripheral nociceptive stimulation and contribution of spinal TRPV1 in rats. Neuroscience 2014; 269: 59-66.


(38) Ling Hu, Xiang-Hong Jing, Cai-Lian Cui, Guo-Gang Xing, Bing Zhu*. NMDA receptors in the midbrain play a critical role in dopamine-mediated hippocampal synaptic potentiation caused by morphine. Addiction Biology 2014; 19(3):380-91.


(39) Liu X, Zhang B, Yang H, Wang H, Liu Y, Huang A, Liu T, Tian X, Tong Y, Zhou T, Zhang T, Xing GG, Xiao W, Guo X*, Fan D*, Han X, Liu G*, Zhou Z*, Chui D*. Impaired synaptic vesicle recycling contributes to presynaptic dysfunction in lipoprotein lipase-deficient mice. Neuroscience 2014 Nov 7; 280:275-281.


(40) Min Liu, Huan Yang, Dong Fang, Jing-Jing Yang, Jie Cai, You Wan, De-Hua Chui, Ji-Sheng Han, Guo-Gang Xing*. Up-regulation of P2X3 receptors by neuronal calcium sensor protein VILIP-1 in dorsal root ganglion contributes to the bone cancer pain. Pain 2013; 154(9):1551-1568.


(41) Qin Zheng, Dong Fang, Ming Liu, Jie Cai, You Wan, Ji-Sheng Han, Guo-Gang Xing*. Suppression of KCNQ/M (Kv7) potassium channels in dorsal root ganglion neurons contributes to the development of bone cancer pain in a rat model. Pain 2013; 154(3): 434-448.


(42) Ya-Nan Wang#, Bo Wang#, Min Liang#, Cai-Yan Han, Bin Zhang, Jie Cai, Wei Sun*, Guo-Gang Xing*. Down-regulation of CatSper1 channel in epididymal spermatozoa contributes to the pathogenesis of asthenozoospermia, while up-regulation of the channel by Sheng-Jing-San treatment improves the sperm motility of asthenozoospermia in rats. Fertility and Sterility 2013; 99(2):579-587.


(43) Qin Zheng, Dong Fang, Jie Cai, You Wan, Ji-Sheng Han, Guo-Gang Xing*. Enhanced excitability of small dorsal root ganglion neurons in rats with bone cancer pain. Molecular Pain 2012; 8(1):24-41.


(44) Feng-Yu Liu#, Yan-Ni Sun#, Fa-Tian Wang#, Qian Li, Li Su, Zi-Fang Zhao, Xiang-Ling Meng, Hong Zhao, Xi Wu, Qian Sun, Guo-Gang Xing*, You Wan*. Activation of satellite glial cells in lumbar dorsal root ganglia contributes to neuropathic pain after spinal nerve ligation. Brain Research 2012; 1427:65-77.


(45) Yi-Lin Song, Nan-Sen Lin, Chun-Xiu Liu, Hong Jiang, Guo-Gang Xing, Xin-Xia Cai*. A novel dual mode microelectrode array for neuroelectrical and neurochemical recording in vitro. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2012; 38(1):416-20.


(46) Ye-Nan Chi#, Xu Zhang, Jie Cai, Feng-Yu Liu, Guo-Gang Xing, You Wan*. Formaldehyde increases intracellular calcium concentration in primary cultured hippocampal neurons through NMDA receptors and T-type calcium channels. Neuroscience Bulletin 2012; 28(6):715-22.


(47) Ying Han, Yan Li, Xing Xiao, Jia Liu, Xiang-Ling Meng, Feng-Yu Liu, Guo-Gang Xing, You Wan*. Formaldehyde up-regulates TRPV1 through MAPK and PI3K signaling pathways in a rat model of bone cancer pain. Neuroscience Bulletin 2012; 28(2):165-72.


(48) Ying-Ying Wang, Jiong Qin*, Ying Han, Jie Cai, Guo-Gang Xing*. Hyperthermia induces epileptiform discharges in cultured rat cortical neurons. Brain Research 2011; 1417C: 87-102.


(49) Ming Yi#, Haolin Zhang#, Lixing Lao, Guo-Gang Xing, You Wan*. Anterior cingulate cortex is crucial for contra- but not ipsi-lateral electro-acupuncture in the formalin-induced inflammatory pain model of rats. Molecular Pain 2011; 7(1):61.


(50) Jing Wang, Duan Li, Xiaoli Li, Feng-Yu Liu, Guo-Gang Xing, Jie Cai and You Wan*. Phase–amplitude coupling between theta and gamma oscillations during nociception in rat electroencephalography. Neuroscience Letters 2011; 499(2):84-87.


(51) Feng-Yu Liu, Xiao-Xiu Qu, Jie Cai, Fa-Tian Wang, Guo-Gang Xing, You Wan*. Electrophysiological properties of spinal wide dynamic range neurons in neuropathic pain rats following spinal nerve ligation. Neuroscience Bulletin 2011; 27(1):1-8.


(52) Shan-Jing Geng#, Fei-Fei Liao#, Wen-Hao Dang, Xu Ding, Xiao-Dan Liu, Jie Cai, Ji-Sheng Han, You Wan, Guo-Gang Xing*. Contribution of the spinal cord BDNF to the development of neuropathic pain by activation of the NR2B-containing NMDA receptors in rats with spinal nerve ligation. Experimental Neurology 2010; 222(2):256-266.


(53) Feng-Yu Liu#, Xiao-Xiu Qu#, Xu Ding#, Jie Cai, Hong Jiang, You Wan, Ji-Sheng Han, Guo-Gang Xing*. Decrease in the descending inhibitory 5-HT system in rats with spinal nerve ligation. Brain Research. 2010; 1330:45-60.


(54) Tianran Song, Yue Wang, Guian Chen* and Guogang Xing*. Tyrosine hydroxylase- positive cells and dopaminergic neuronal function in human embryonic stem cells: An electrophysiological validation. Neural Regeneration Research 2010; 5(3):185-190.


(55) Xiao-Xiu Qu#, Jie Cai#, Ming-Jia Li, Ye-Nan Chi, Fei-Fei Liao, Feng-Yu Liu, You Wan, Ji-Sheng Han, Guo-Gang Xing*. Role of the spinal cord NR2B-containing NMDA receptors in the development of neuropathic pain. Experimental Neurology 2009; 215(2):298-307.


(56) Lu Yu, Fei Yang, Hao Luo, Feng-Yu Liu, Ji-Sheng Han, Guo-Gang Xing* and You Wan*. The role of TRPV1 in different subtypes of dorsal root ganglion neurons in rat chronic inflammatory nociception induced by complete Freund's adjuvant. Molecular Pain 2008; 4(1): 61-70.


(57) Yu-Qiu Jiang, Guo-Gang Xing, Sheng-Lan Wang, Hui-Yin Tu, Ye-Nan Chi, Jie Li, Feng-Yu Liu, Ji-Sheng Han, You Wan*. Axonal accumulation of hyperpolarization- activated cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channels contributes to mechanical allodynia after peripheral nerve injury in rat. Pain 2008; 137: 495-506.


(58) Yue Lu, Yan-Ni Sun, Xi Wu, Qian Sun, Feng-Yu Liu, Guo-Gang Xing, You Wan*. Role of alpha-amino-3- hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (AMPA) receptor subunit GluR1 in spinal dorsal horn in inflammatory nociception and neuropathic nociception in rat. Brain Research 2008; 1200C:19-26.


(59) Hao Luo, Isabella Shi Xu, Yi Chen, Fei Yang, Lu Yu, Guang-Xin Li, Feng-Yu Liu, Guo-Gang Xing, Yu-Shun Shi, Tan Li, Ji-Sheng Han and You Wan*. Behavioral and Electrophysiological Evidence for the Differential Functions of TRPV1 at Early and Late Stages of Chronic Inflammatory Nociception in Rats. Neurochemical Research 2008; 33(10):2151-2158.


(60) Guo-Gang Xing*, Feng-Yu Liu, Xiao-Xiu Qu, Ji-Sheng Han, You Wan*. Long-term synaptic plasticity in the spinal dorsal horn and its modulation by electroacupuncture in rats with neuropathic pain. Experimental Neurology 2007; 208(2):323-332.


(61) Feng-Yu Liu#, Guo-Gang Xing#, Xiao-Xiu Qu, Isabella S. Xu, Ji-Sheng Han, You Wan*. Roles of 5-HT receptor subtypes in the inhibitory effects of 5-HT on C-fiber responses of spinal wide dynamic range neurons in rats. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 2007; 321(3): 1046-1053.


(62) Guo-Gang Xing#, Rengang Wang#, Bo Yang, Dongxian Zhang*. Postnatal switching of NMDA receptor subunits from NR2B to NR2A in rat facial motor neurons. European Journal of Neuroscience 2006; 24(11):2987-2992.


(63) Qian Sun#, Guo-Gang Xing#, Huiyin Tu, Ji-Sheng Han, You Wan*. Inhibition of hyperpolarization- activated current by ZD7288 suppresses ectopic discharges of injured dorsal root ganglion neurons in a rat model of neuropathic pain. Brain Research 2005; 1032(1-2): 63-9.


(64) Qian Sun#, Huiyin Tu#, Guo-Gang Xing, Ji-Sheng Han, You Wan*. Ectopic discharges from injured nerve fibers are highly correlated with tactile allodynia only in early, but not late, stage in rats with spinal nerve ligation. Experimental Neurology 2005; 191(1): 128-36.



(1)  韩济生主编《神经科学》(第4版),北京大学医学出版社,2022年10月,ISBN 978-7-5659-2725-6,编写章节:第6篇第7章:触-压觉、温度觉与痒觉。


(2) 于龙川主编《神经生物学》(第2版),北京大学出版社,2022年9月,ISBN 978-7-301-33220-7,编写章节:第一篇第二章:神经细胞的基本功能。


(3) 刘存志主编《现代针灸学导论》(中国中医药出版社),全国中医药行业高等教育“十三五”创新教材,2020年 1月(第1版),编写章节:第五章 现代针灸学机制。


(4) 王庭槐主编《生理学》(人民卫生出版社),国家卫生健康委员会“十三五”规划教材,2018年 8月(第9版),编写章节:第九章:感觉器官的功能。 


(5)  罗自强、祁金顺主编《生理学学习指导及习题集》(人民卫生出版社),国家卫生健康委员会“十三五”规划教材,2018年 12月(第3版),编写章节:第九章:感觉器官。


(6)  王瑞元主编《康复生理学》(人民卫生出版社),国家卫生健康委员会“十三五”规划教材,2018年 3月(第3版),编写章节:第十二章:神经系统的功能。


(7)  许寿生主编《康复生理学》学习指导及习题集(人民卫生出版社)2018年 3月(第2版),编写章节:第十二章:神经系统的功能。


(8)  韩如泉、王保国、王国林主编《神经外科麻醉学》(人民卫生出版社),2018年 11月(第3版),编写章节:第五十六章 疼痛治疗的相关基础。


(9)  王瑞元主编《生理学》(人民卫生出版社),2013年 3月(第2版),编写章节:第十二章:神经系统的功能。


(10)  许寿生主编《生理学》学习指导及习题集(人民卫生出版社)2013年 3月(第1版),编写章节:第十二章:神经系统的功能。


(11)  于龙川主编《神经生物学》(北京大学出版社),2012年8月(第1版),编写章节:第一篇第二章:神经细胞的基本功能。


(12)  樊小力主编《人体机能学》(北京医科大学出版社),2000年9月(第1版),编写章节:第二章:细胞的分子结构和基本功能;第九章:感觉器官的功能。