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宋学军,博士 北京大学教授,博士生导师 






  E-mail: songxuejun@bjmu.edu.cn      xuejunsong@yahoo.com




★ 严重慢性疼痛(主要是神经病理性疼痛包括癌症痛、糖尿病性疼痛等)的细胞和分子机制及其临床治疗;

★ 鸦片类耐受和戒断机制及其防治;

★ 全身麻醉的细胞和分子机制及其对学习记忆功能的影响;

★ B类维生素的神经保护和镇痛作用


1.  Zhang YK, Huang ZJ, Liu SU, Liu YP, Song AA, Song XJ. Wnt signaling underlies the pathogenesis of neuropathic pain in rodents. The Journal of Clinical Investigation (JCI), 2013 April;123(5):1-19.

2.  Huang ZJ, Li HC, Cowan AA, Zhang YK, Song XJ. Chronic compression or acute dissociation of dorsal root ganglion induces cAMP-dependent neuronal hyperexcitability through activation of PAR2. Pain2012 Jul;153(7):1426-37.

3.    Sun W, Miao B, Wang XC, Duan JH, Wang WT, Kuang F, Xie RG, Xing JL, Xu H, Song XJ, Luo C, Hu SJ.  Reduced conduction failure of the main axon of polymodal nociceptive C-fibers contributes to painful diabetic neuropathy in rats. Brain, 2012 Feb;135(Pt 2):359-75.

4.    Song Y, Li HM, Xie RG, Yue ZF, Song XJ, Hu SJ, Xing JL. Evoked bursting in injured Aβ-dorsal root ganglion neurons: a mechanism underlying tactile allodynia. Pain, 2012 Mar;153(3):657-65.

5.    Song XJ. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy attenuates chronic pain and inhibits nerve injury-induced activation of ephrinB-EphB receptor signaling in the spinal cord. Eur J Pain 2012;16(8):1205-6. 

6.    Gu N, Niu JY, Liu WT, Sun YY, Liu S, Lv Y, Dong HL, Song XJ, Xiong LZ. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment attenuates neuropathic hyperalgesia in rats and idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia in patients. Eur J Pain2012 Sep;16(8):1094-105.

7.    Liu S, Liu WT, Liu YP, Dong HL, Henkemeyer M, Song XJ. Blocking EphB1 Receptor Forward Signaling in Spinal Cord Relieves Bone Cancer Pain and Rescues Analgesic Effect of Morphine Treatment in Rodents. Cancer Research 2011,1;71(13):4392-402.

8.  Wu XF, Liu WT, Liu YP, Huang ZJ, Zhang YK, Song XJ. Reopening of ATP-sensitive potassium channels reduces neuropathic pain and regulates astroglial gap junctions in the rat spinal cord. Pain, 2011 Oct, 152:2605-2613.

9.       Huang ZJ, Hsu E, Rosner A, Rupert RL, SongXJTopical application of Ibuprofen suppresses pain and inhibits sensory neuron excitability in rat model of intevertebral foramen inflammation. J Pain,2011, 12(1):141-52.

10.  Liu WT, Han Y, Liu YP, Song AA, Barnes B, Song XJ. Spinal matrix metalloproteinase-9 contributes to physical dependence on morphine in mice. J Neurosci, 2010; 30:7613-7623.

11.  Liu WT, Li HC, Song XS, Huang ZJ, Song XJ. EphB Receptor Signaling in Mouse Spinal Cord Contributes to Physical Dependence on Morphine. FASEB J, 2009 Jan; 23(1):90-98.

12.  Song XS, Huang ZJ, Song XJ. Thiamine may suppress thermal hyperalgesia by inhibiting hyperexcitability and regulating altered sodium channel of the injured dorsal root ganglion neurons in rats. Anesthesiology 2009 Feb; 110:387-400.

13.  Liu WT, Han Y, Li HC, Adams B, Zheng JH, Wu YP, Henkemeyer M, Song XJ.  An in vivo mouse model of long-term potentiation at synapses between primary afferent C-fibers and spinal dorsal horn neurons: essential role of EphB1 receptor. Mol Pain, 2009 June; 5:29.

14.  Han Y, Song XS, Liu WT, Henkemeyer M, Song XJTargeted Mutation of EphB1 Receptor Prevents Development of Neuropathic Hyperalgesia and Physical Dependence on Morphine in Mice. Mol Pain2008;4(1):60.

15.  Huang ZJ and Song XJ: Differential alteration of sodium currents in nociceptive dorsal root ganglion neurons following injuries to the somata and peripheral branches of axons. Mol Pain 2008, 4:20.

16  Song XJ, Zheng JH, Cao JL, Li HC, Liu WT, Song XS Huang ZJ: Ephrin-EphB receptor signaling contributes to neuropathic pain by regulating neural excitability and spinal plasticity in rats. Pain 2008, 139:168-180.

17.  Song XJ, Cao JL, Li HC, Song XS, Xiong LZ: Upregulation and redistribution of ephrin1B-EphB1 receptor signaling in dorsal root ganglion and spinal dorsal horn after nerve injury and dorsal rhizotomy. Eur J Pain 2008; 12(8): 1031-1039.

18. Cao JL, Ruan JP, Ling DY, Guan XH, Bao Q, Yuan Y, Zhang LC, Song XJ, Zeng YM.  Activation of peripheral ephrinBs/EphBs signaling induces hyperalgesia through a MAPKs-mediated mechanism in mice. Pain 2008, 139: 617-631.

19.  Zheng JH, Walters ET, Song XJ (2007): Dissociation of dorsal root ganglion neurons induces hyperexcitability that is maintained by increased responsiveness to cAMP and cGMP. J Neurophysiol2007 Jan; 97(1):15-25.

20.  Song XJ, Wang ZB, Gan Q, and Walters ET: cAMP and cGMP Pathways contribute to expression of hyperalgesia and sensory neuron hyperexcitability following dorsal root ganglion compression in the rat. J Neurophysiol 2006, 95: 479-492.

21.  Song XJ, Gan Q, Cao JL, Wang ZB, Rupert RL: Spinal manipulation reduces pain and hyperalgesia produced by lumbar intervertebral foramen inflammation in the rat. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2006, 29:1-9.

22.  Liu YB, Shi J, Lu CC, Wang ZB, Song XJ, Zou YM: Ryk-mediated Wnt repulsion regulates posterior-directed growth of corticospinal tract. Nature Neurosci 2005, 8(9):1151-9.

23.  Wang ZB, Gan Q, Rupert RL, and Song XJ: Thiamine, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin and their combination inhibit thermal but not mechanical hyperalgesia in rats with primary sensory neuron injury. Pain 2005, 114(1-2):266-77.

24.  Zheng JH, Song XJ. Aβ-Afferents Activate NK-1 Receptor in Dorsal Horn Neurons after Nerve Injury.NeuroReport 2005, 16(7):715-9.

25.  Song XJ, Xu DS, Vizcarra C, Rupert RL: Onset and recovery of hyperalgesia and hyperexcitability of sensory neurons following intervertebral foramen volume reduction and restorationJ Manipulative Physiol Ther 2003, 26(7):426-436.

26.  Song XJ, Vizcarra C, Xu DS, Rupert RL, Wong ZN: Hyperalgesia and neural excitability following injuries to the peripheral and central branches of axon and somata of dorsal root ganglion neurons. J Neurophysiol 2003,89:2185-2193

27.  Song XJ, Zhang JM and LaMotte RH: Somata of nerve-injured sensory neurons exhibit enhanced responses to inflammatory mediators. Pain 2003,104(3):701-709.


**2003年至1991年的研究论文可检索Pubmed.org/Song XJ**