Ming Yi Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Laboratory for Cognitive Neuroscience
Neuroscience Research Institute
Peking University
38 Xueyuan Road
Beijing 100083, China
Tel: + 86(0)10 8280 5083
Email: mingyi@hsc.pku.edu.cn
Academic experience
Dr. Yi received his medical degree in Peking University Health Science Center, and Ph.D. training in John O’Keefe (2014 Nobel laureate) group in the Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology of University College London (UCL). Dr. Yi is currently a principal investigator and leads the Laboratory for Cognitive Neuroscience in Neuroscience Research Institute of Peking University.
Research: Decoding, manipulating and reconstructing memory
Learning and memory are crucial cognitive functions for daily life, whereas pathological memories underlie a variety of neuropsychiatric diseases such as post-traumatic stress disorder and chronic pain. Yi lab, with combinative application of in vivo and in vitro electrophysiology, two-photon calcium imaging, opto- and chemo-genetics and molecular biology, focuses on decoding, manipulating and reconstructing memory and other brain functions, and aims to develop novel assessment and intervention tools for various neuropsychiatric disorders.
(1) Neuronal basis and functional reconstruction of the memory system
Memory traces are encoded and stored by subpopulations of interconnected engram cells widely distributed in the brain. Yi lab combined neuronal labeling with gene editing techniques, and erased specific fear memories in rats by gene editing in circuit- and function-specific neuronal subpopulations (Sci Adv. 2020). Yi lab further demonstrated that abnormal activity patterns of fear engram cells constituted core neuronal basis of cognitive and affective changes in neuropsychiatric disorders characterized by generalized fear (PLoS Biol. 2024). Yi lab is currently developing novel medicinal and neuromodulatory techniques to reconstruct memory functions in patients of post-traumatic stress disorder and perioperative neurocognitive disorder.
(2) Neuronal and circuitry basis of pain memory
Pain is a complex symptom involving perceptual, affective, cognitive and social dimensions. Chronic pain has been described as pathological memories for nociception and suffering. Decoding pain signals is a challenging task, since no brain regions specifically encode pain. Yi lab reported prefrontal neuronal subpopulations and circuits that encode evoked pain (Cell Rep. 2022), spontaneous pain (Cell Rep. 2019) and comorbid anxiety (Autophagy. 2024) in rodent models of chronic pain, and revealed how the limbic system participated in pain encoding and modulation (J Neurosci. 2017; Pain. 2018; Cell Rep. 2023).
(3) Assessment and rehabilitation of brain functions in infants
Accurate assessment of brain injury, development and function in infants directly affects diagnosis, intervention and prognosis of various brain disorders such as cerebral palsy, growth retardation and autism. Yi lab developed a video tracking- and AI-based system for automatic assessment of general movements in infants (Med Image Anal. 2024; Displays. 2024). Currently, Yi lab works on a series of novel clinical tools for assessment and rehabilitation of brain functions in infants.
Representative publications
Cui K, Qi X, Liu L, Jiao P, Tong J, Sun X, Sun H, Fu S, Wang J, Zheng Y, Liu T, Cui S, Liu F, Zheng J, Wan Y, Yi M. Dominant activities of fear engram cells in the dorsal dentate gyrus underlies fear generalization. PLoS Biol. 2024. In press
Yin W, Chen L, Huang X, Huang C, Wang Z, Bian Y, Wan Y, Zhou Y, Hang T, Yi M. A self-supervised spatio-temporal attention network for video-based 3D infant pose estimation. Med Image Anal. 2024. 96:103208
Huang X, Huang C, Yin W, Huang H, Xie Z, Huang Y, Chen M, Fan X, Shang X, Peng Z, Wan Y, Han T, Yi M. Automatic quantitative intelligent assessment of neonatal general movements with video tracking. Displays. 2024. 82:102658
Fu S, Sun H, Wang J, Gao S, Zhu L, Cui K, Liu S, Qi X, Guan R, Fan X, Liu Q, Chen W, Su L, Cui S, Liao F, Liu F, Wong CL, Yi M, Wan Y. Impaired neuronal macroautophagy in the prelimbic cortex contributes to comorbid anxiety-like behaviors in rats with chronic neuropathic pain. Autophagy. 2024. Mar 24:1-18
Shao S, Zheng Y, Fu Z, Wang J, Zhang Y, Wang C, Qi X, Gong T, Ma L, Lin X, Yu H, Wan Y, Zhang H, Yi M. Ventral hippocampal CA1 modulates pain behaviors in mice with peripheral inflammation. Cell Rep. 2023; 42(1): 112017.
Qi X, Cui K, Zhang Y, Wang L, Tong J, Sun W, Shao S, Wang J, Wang C, Sun X, Xiao L, Xi K, Cui S, Liu F, Ma L, Zheng J, Yi M, Wan Y. A nociceptive neuronal ensemble in dorsomedial prefrontal cortex underlies pain chronicity. Cell Rep. 2022; 41(11):111833.
Sun H, Fu S, Yin X, Sun X, Qi X, Cui K, Wang J, Ma L, Liu FY, Cui S, Liao FF, Wang XH, Yi M, Wan Y. Development of CRISPR-SaCas9 system for projection- and function-specific gene editing in the rat brain. Sci Adv. 2020; 6: eaay6687.
Ma L, Yue L, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Han B, Cui S, Liu FY, Wan Y, Yi M. Spontaneous pain disrupts ventral hippocampal CA1-infralimbic cortex connectivity and modulates pain progression in rats with peripheral inflammation. Cell Rep. 2019;29:1579–1593.
Jiang Y, Shao S, Zhang Y, Zheng J, Chen X, Cui S, Liu FY, Wan Y, Yi M. Neural pathways in medial septal cholinergic modulation of chronic pain: distinct contribution of anterior cingulate cortex and ventral hippocampus. Pain. 2018. 159(8):1550-1561.
Zheng J, Jiang YY, Xu LC, Ma LY, Liu FY, Cui S, Cai J, Liao FF, Wan Y, Yi M. Adult hippocampal neurogenesis along the dorsoventral axis contributes differentially to environmental enrichment combined with voluntary exercise in alleviating chronic inflammatory pain in mice. J Neurosci. 2017; 37(15):4145-4157.
2023 National Natural Science Foundation (32271053)
2023 Beijing Natural Science Foundation (L222016)
2019 National Natural Science Foundation (31872774)
2018 Beijing Natural Science Foundation (5182013)
2015 National Basic Research Program of MOST(2015CB554503)
2014National Basic Research Program of MOST(2014CB548200)
2012 National Natural Science Foundation (31200835)
伊鸣 博士
E-mail: mingyi@hsc.pku.edu.cn
于北京大学医学部临床医学专业获医学学士学位,英国伦敦大学学院(University College London, UCL)解剖与发育生物学系神经科学专业获哲学博士学位(导师John O’Keefe教授,英国皇家科学院、皇家医学院、美国科学院院士,2014年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者)。现任北京大学神经科学研究所认知神经科学实验室研究员。
记忆痕迹由广泛分布在海马、新皮层等脑区的印迹细胞群编码并储存。我们应用通过通路特异性及功能特异性神经元亚群的基因编辑技术,实现了特定恐惧记忆的精准删除(Sci Adv. 2020)。我们进一步证实编码恐惧记忆的印迹细胞群异常活动是以恐惧泛化为特征的神经精神类疾病中认知与情绪变化的关键神经元基础(PLoS Biol. 2024)。基于以上发现,我们正在探究多个小分子物质及神经调控技术在创伤后应激障碍、围手术期神经认知障碍等疾病中重建记忆功能的潜力。
疼痛是包含感觉、情绪、认知和社会成分的多维度现象。慢性痛被认为是伤害性感觉与情绪的病理性记忆。由于不存在特定脑区专门编码疼痛信号,解析疼痛信息的编码机制是高挑战性工作。我们先后报道了啮齿类慢性痛动物模型中前额叶皮层编码诱发痛(Cell Rep. 2022)、自发痛(Cell Rep. 2019)和慢性痛共病焦虑(Autophagy. 2024)的神经元亚群及回路,并揭示脑边缘系统参与疼痛编码与调控的神经回路机制(J Neurosci. 2017; Pain. 2018; Cell Rep. 2023)。
新生儿脑损伤、发育及功能的精准评估是重大临床需求,直接关系到小儿脑瘫、发育迟缓、孤独症等多类幼儿脑疾病的风险预警、临床诊断、疗效评估和长期预后。我们开发了基于视频自动识别追踪与人工智能技术的幼儿全身运动自动评估系统,以实现标准化、远程化、客观化的新生儿脑功能评估(Med Image Anal. 2024; Displays. 2024)。目前,我们正在开发一系列应用于不同年龄段幼儿的脑功能评估与康复技术。
Cui K, Qi X, Liu L, Jiao P, Tong J, Sun X, Sun H, Fu S, Wang J, Zheng Y, Liu T, Cui S, Liu F, Zheng J, Wan Y, Yi M. Dominant activities of fear engram cells in the dorsal dentate gyrus underlies fear generalization. PLoS Biol. 2024. In press
Yin W, Chen L, Huang X, Huang C, Wang Z, Bian Y, Wan Y, Zhou Y, Hang T, Yi M. A self-supervised spatio-temporal attention network for video-based 3D infant pose estimation. Med Image Anal. 2024. 96:103208
Huang X, Huang C, Yin W, Huang H, Xie Z, Huang Y, Chen M, Fan X, Shang X, Peng Z, Wan Y, Han T, Yi M. Automatic quantitative intelligent assessment of neonatal general movements with video tracking. Displays. 2024. 82:102658
Fu S, Sun H, Wang J, Gao S, Zhu L, Cui K, Liu S, Qi X, Guan R, Fan X, Liu Q, Chen W, Su L, Cui S, Liao F, Liu F, Wong CL, Yi M, Wan Y. Impaired neuronal macroautophagy in the prelimbic cortex contributes to comorbid anxiety-like behaviors in rats with chronic neuropathic pain. Autophagy. 2024. Mar 24:1-18
Shao S, Zheng Y, Fu Z, Wang J, Zhang Y, Wang C, Qi X, Gong T, Ma L, Lin X, Yu H, Wan Y, Zhang H, Yi M. Ventral hippocampal CA1 modulates pain behaviors in mice with peripheral inflammation. Cell Rep. 2023; 42(1): 112017.
Qi X, Cui K, Zhang Y, Wang L, Tong J, Sun W, Shao S, Wang J, Wang C, Sun X, Xiao L, Xi K, Cui S, Liu F, Ma L, Zheng J, Yi M, Wan Y. A nociceptive neuronal ensemble in dorsomedial prefrontal cortex underlies pain chronicity. Cell Rep. 2022; 41(11):111833.
Sun H, Fu S, Yin X, Sun X, Qi X, Cui K, Wang J, Ma L, Liu FY, Cui S, Liao FF, Wang XH, Yi M, Wan Y. Development of CRISPR-SaCas9 system for projection- and function-specific gene editing in the rat brain. Sci Adv. 2020; 6: eaay6687.
Ma L, Yue L, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Han B, Cui S, Liu FY, Wan Y, Yi M. Spontaneous pain disrupts ventral hippocampal CA1-infralimbic cortex connectivity and modulates pain progression in rats with peripheral inflammation. Cell Rep. 2019;29:1579–1593.
Jiang Y, Shao S, Zhang Y, Zheng J, Chen X, Cui S, Liu FY, Wan Y, Yi M. Neural pathways in medial septal cholinergic modulation of chronic pain: distinct contribution of anterior cingulate cortex and ventral hippocampus. Pain. 2018. 159(8):1550-1561.
Zheng J, Jiang YY, Xu LC, Ma LY, Liu FY, Cui S, Cai J, Liao FF, Wan Y, Yi M. Adult hippocampal neurogenesis along the dorsoventral axis contributes differentially to environmental enrichment combined with voluntary exercise in alleviating chronic inflammatory pain in mice. J Neurosci. 2017; 37(15):4145-4157.