崔德华M.D. (China), Ph.D., (Japan), 教授,博士生导师
①北京大学神经科学研究所 脑老化与认知障碍相关退行疾病研究组 教授
②北京大学第三医院神经内科, 老年性痴呆研究组 首席专家兼职教授
③中国老年学会衰老与抗衰老科学委员会 副主任委员兼总干事长
④中国药理学会抗衰老与老年性痴呆专业委员会 理事
⑤日本国立长寿医疗研究所 客座研究员
⑥神经疾病与精神卫生杂志 执行主编
地址: 邮编100191,北京市海淀区学院路38 号,北医中心实验楼10层
Phone: +81-10-8280-2920, FedEx No.337795820
E-mail:dchui@bjmu.edu.cn 个人主页:http://nri.bjmu.edu.cn/cdh
1. 脑老化与认知障碍相关神经退行性疾病(尤其是老年性痴呆)的神经生物学机制;
2. 纳米科学与神经退行性疾病的生物标记物(基因、表观遗传学、代谢组学、蛋白质组学);
3. 认知障碍相关神经退行性疾病的脑功能成像的研究;
4. 新的抗老化,抗痴呆药物(包括合成的化合物、天然药物及中药)。
【简 介】
1983年-1988年白求恩医大神经内科和日本弘前大学医学部联合培养硕博研究生(中方导师刘多三教授、日方导师小野寺庚午教授)。而后在日本国立神经精神研究中心做博士后研究(1989-1994)、白求恩医大神经科任副教授、副主任医师(1995)、日本国立神经精神研究所任高级研究员(1996-2001)、日本国理化研究所脑研究中心阿尔茨海默病研究部任特聘研究员(2001.06--2005.03)、日本长寿医疗研究所客座研究员(2005.04--至今),北大神经科学研究所教授(2004.08-至今),北大三院神经内科老年痴呆首席专家兼职教授(2006.05-至今)。现担任J. Neuroscience, Euro. Neuroscience等SCI杂志的评仪员及国家自然基金等项目评审员。
早老素和细胞内Abeta研究:申请人提出了独自的细胞内蓄积Abeta42可发生老年性痴呆的学说,并且验证了在早老素突变小鼠脑细胞内蓄积Abeta42导致神经退行性改变,其结果1999年在世界医学权威杂志Nature Medicine发表,被引用在Nature及Neuron等杂志的论文,被其它论文引用次数高达数百次。
脑衰老因素与认知障碍的研究:首次发现脂蛋白水解酶(LPL)缺陷可导致神经突触前小泡减少,导致了学习行为障碍。其结果发表在09年Journal of neuroscience上。此发现,对防治脂代谢异常所致的认知障碍具有科学和应用意义。
免疫炎症与AD防治研究:早年发现源头的发现和证实抗炎免疫抑制剂可下调脑胶质细胞MHCⅡ表达,脑内Abeta明显减少,可保护海马神经细胞凋亡(Chui DH., et al. 1994. Am J Pathol)。此结果揭示免疫抑制和Abeta清除之间有密切关系。最近跟屠鹏飞合作研究发现中药提取物Xylocoside G保护Abeta的细胞毒性作用。并且也发现金属铜离子下调Abeta降解酶的活性,参与Abeta清除功能。
脑功能成像与认知障碍研究:跟国外Prof. Wu合作进行脑功能成像研究,在09年国际会上获得优秀奖。此外,在日本中央电台(NHK)科学特辑节目里介绍过高通量筛选AD药物研究成果,受到了国内外同行的高度赞赏
1)马永兴,俞卓伟(主编),崔德华(副主编). 衰老、痴呆与预防医学新进展. 科学技术文献出版社,2013年6月出版, ISBN 978-7-502-38024-3
2)张俊田(主编),崔德华(副主编).人参冠百草-人参化学,生物学活性和药代动力学研究进展-.化学工业出版社,2008 年10月出版.ISBN 978-7-122-03146-4
3)Juntian Zhang, Chui DH (vice editor-in-chief). The Chemistry, Metabolism and Biological Activities of Gingeng. Chemical Industry press. ISBN 7-5025-9164-8.2006
4)崔德华参编神经生物学教科书,担任脑衰老生物学章节。,高教出版社, ISBN: (9787040177404), 2011
Academic articles and review published:
1. Wang H, Sun M, Yang H, Tian X, Tong Y, Zhou T, Zhang T, Fu Y, Guo X, Fan D, Yu A, Fan M, Wu X, Xiao W, Chui D. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α mediates upregulation of neprilysin by histone deacetylase-1 under hypoxia condition in neuroblastoma cells. J Neurochem. 2014 doi: 10.1111/jnc.12795. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 24947680 (IF 3.973)
2. Tong Y, Yang H, Tian X, Wang H, Zhou T, Zhang S, Yu J, Zhang T, Fan D, Guo X, Tabira T, Kong F, Chen Z, Xiao W, Chui D. High Manganese, A Risk for Alzheimer’s disease: High Manganese Induces Amyloid-Beta Related Cognitive Impairment. J Alzheimers Dis. 2014 Jun 24. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 24961945 (IF 4.174)
3. Li Z, Cao Y, Li L, Liang Y, Tian X, Mo N, Liu Y, Li M, Chui D, Guo X. Prophylactic angiotensin type 1 receptor antagonism confers neuroprotection in an aged rat model of postoperative cognitive dysfunction. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2014; 449(1):74-80. PMID: 24814703 (IF 2.406)
4. Zhou T, He Q, Tong Y, Zhan R, Xu F, Fan D, Guo X, Han H, Qin S, Chui D. Phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) deficiency impaired blood-brain barrier integrity by increasing cerebrovascular oxidative stress. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2014; 445(2):352-6.PMID: 24513285 (IF 2.406)
5. Liang J, Xu F, Zhang YZ, Zang XY, Wang D, Shang MY, Wang X, Chui DH, Cai SQ. The profiling and identification of the metabolites of (+)-catechin and study on their distribution in rats by HPLC-DAD-ESI-IT-TOF-MS(n) technique. Biomed Chromatogr. 2014; 28(3):401-11.PMID: 24105958 (IF 1.945)
6. Li ZQ, Rong XY, Liu YJ, Ni C, Tian XS, Mo N, Chui DH, Guo XY. Activation of the canonical nuclear factor-κB pathway is involved in isoflurane-induced hippocampal interleukin-1β elevation and the resultant cognitive deficits in aged rats. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013;438(4):628-34.PMID: 23933318 (IF 2.406)
7. Liu M, Yang H, Fang D, Yang JJ, Cai J, Wan Y, Chui DH, Han JS, Xing GG.Upregulation of P2X3 receptors by neuronal calcium sensor protein VILIP-1 in dorsal root ganglions contributes to the bone cancer pain in rats.Pain. 2013 Sep;154(9):1551-68. PMID: 23707265 (IF 5.644)
8. Li W, Yu J, Liu Y, Huang X, Abumaria N, Zhu Y, Huang X, Xiong W, Ren C, Liu XG, Chui D, Liu G.Elevation of brain magnesium prevents and reverses cognitive deficits and synaptic loss in Alzheimer's disease mouse model.J Neurosci. 2013 May 8;33(19):8423-41.PMID: 23658180 (IF 6.908)
9. Liu X, Lu M, Tang L, Zhang N, Chui D, Fan D.ATXN2 CAG repeat expansions increase the risk for Chinese patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.Neurobiol Aging. 2013 Sep;34(9):2236.e5-8.PMID: 23635656 (IF 6.166)
10. Liu Y, Ni C, Tang Y, Tian X, Zhou Y, Qian M, Li Z, Chui D, Guo X.Melatonin attenuates isoflurane-induced acute memory impairments in aged rats.Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2013 Oct;113(4):215-20.PMID: 23621786 (IF 2.124)
11. Ji Y, Wei L, Chui D, Wang K, Fan D.Prospective memory tasks: a more sensitive method for screening cognitive impairment in ALS? BMC Neurol. 2012 Nov 21;12:142 PMID: 23171421 (IF 2.564)
12. Li C, Chen K, Han H, Chui D, Wu J.An FMRI study of the neural systems involved in visually cued auditory top-down spatial and temporal attention.PLoS One. 2012;7(11):e49948.PMID: 23166800 (IF 3.73)
13. Marotta F, Chui DH, Yadav H, Lorenzetti A, Celep G, Jain S, Bomba A, Polimeni A, Zhong K, Allegri F. Effective properties of a sturgeon-based bioactive compound on stress-induced hippocampal degeneration and on in vitro neurogenesis.J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2012 Jul-Sep;26(3):327-35. PMID: 23034252
14. Sun M, Zhou T, Zhou L, Chen Q, Yu Y, Yang H, Zhong K, Zhang X, Xu F, Cai S, Yu A, Zhang H, Xiao R, Xiao D, Chui D. Formononetin protects neurons against hypoxia-induced cytotoxicity through upregulation of ADAM10 and sAβPPα. J Alzheimers Dis. 2012;28(4):795-808. PubMed PMID: 22085862. (IF 4.261)
15. Yu Y, Zhou L, Sun M, Zhou T, Zhong K, Wang H, Liu Y, Liu X, Xiao R, Ge J, Tu P, Fan DS, Lan Y, Hui C, Chui D. Xylocoside G Reduces Amyloid-β Induced Neurotoxicity by Inhibiting NF-κB Signaling Pathway in Neuronal Cells. J Alzheimers Dis. 2012 Mar 19. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22430528. (IF 4.261)
16. Rastmanesh R, Marotta F, Kantah MK, Nagpal R, Lorenzetti A, Takadanohara H, Mashizume H, Kobayashi R, Chui de H. POLI-Mix Functional Food Enhances Steady-State Bioenergetic Status Independently of Age: An Experimental Study.Rejuvenation Res. 2012 Apr;15(2):161-4. PMID: 22533423.(IF 4.225)
17 . Zhou T, Shun M, Zhou L, Yang H, Zhong K, Zhang X, Zhang H, Fan D, Chui D. Formononetin could increase soluble-APPα secretion by up-regulating ADAM10 level. Mol Neurodegener. 2012 Feb 7;7 Suppl 1:O10. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22377210; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3287621. (IF 5.361)
18 . Wu X, Yu Y, Zhou L, Wang H, Yang H, Zhong K, Zhang X, Zhang H, Fan D, Chui D. Chinese herbal extract reduces Amyloid-β induced neurotoxicity through inhibiting NF-κB signaling pathway in neuronal cells. Mol Neurodegener. 2012 Feb 7;7 Suppl1:S28. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22377039; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3287654.(IF 5.361)
19 . Zhou L, Zhang X, Wu X, Yang H, Zhong K, Wang H, Zhou T, Sheng T, Tong Y, Fan D, Chui D. Testosterone regulates Arp2/3 expression by DNA methylation in hippocampus. Mol Neurodegener. 2012 Feb 7;7 Suppl 1:S27. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22377022; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3287653.(IF 5.361)
20 . Chui D, Zhou T, Zhou L, Yang H, Liu X, Liu T, Yu J, Liu Y, Wu XF, Zhang H, Fan D. Implication of lipid metabolism disturbance and Alzheimer's disease: focus on the lipoprotein lipase plays an important role in learning and memory function. Mol Neurodegener. 2012 Feb 7;7 Suppl 1:O9. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22376999; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3287633.(IF 5.361)
21 . Yang J, Han H, Chui D, Shen Y, Wu J. Prominent activation of the intraparietal and somatosensory areas during angle discrimination by intra-active touch. Hum Brain Mapp. 2011 Oct 22. doi: 10.1002/hbm. 21419. [Epub ahead of print] PubMedPMID: 22020967.(IF 5.107)
22 . Marotta F, Naito Y, Padrini F, Xuewei X, Jain S, Soresi V, Zhou L, Catanzaro R, Zhong K, Polimeni A, Chui DH. Redox balance signalling in occupational stress: modification by nutraceutical intervention. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2011 Apr-Jun;25(2):221-9. PubMed PMID: 21880211. (IF 2.825)
23 . Sedriep S, Zhong K, Nakanishi K, Sweed H, Chui DH, Yang H, Xia X, Catanzaro R, Zhou L, Marotta F. Advantage of carbonate-versus citrate-based alkalinization on bone metabolism in moderately exercising aged male rats fed an acidogenic diet.J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2011 Jul-Sep;25(3):341-9. PMID: 22023758(IF 2.825)
24 . Sedriep S, Xia X, Marotta F, Zhou L, Yadav H, Yang H, Soresi V, Catanzaro R, Zhong K, Polimeni A, Chui DH. Beneficial nutraceutical modulation of cerebral erythropoietin expression and oxidative stress: an experimental study.J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2011 Apr-Jun;25(2):187-94. PMID: 21880207(IF 2.825)
25 . Marotta F, Chui DH, Jain S, Polimeni A, Koike K, Zhou L, Lorenzetti A, Shimizu H, Yang H. Effect of a fermented nutraceutical on thioredoxin level and TNF-alpha signalling in cirrhotic patients.J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2011 Jan-Mar;25(1):37-45. PMID: 21382272(IF 2.825)
26 . Li C, Zhao R, Gao K, Wei Z, Yin MY, Lau LT, Chui D, Hoi Yu AC. Astrocytes: implications for neuroinflammatory pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Curr Alzheimer Res. 2011 Feb 1;8(1):67-80. Review. PubMed PMID: 21143158.(IF 4.953)
27 . Jia Yu, Miao Sun, Zheng Chen, Jiangyang Lu, Yi Liu, Liang Zhou, Xuemin Xu, Dongsheng Fan and Chui DH. Magnesium modulates amyloid precursor protein trafficking and processing. J Alzheimers Dis. 2010 Jan 1;20(4):1091-106.(IF 4.261)
28 . Liu Y, Ye Z, Yang H, Zhou L, Fan D, He S, Chui DH. Disturbances of soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment proteins in hippocampal synaptosomes contribute to cognitive impairment after repetitive formaldehyde inhalation in male rats. Neuroscience. 2010 Sep 1;169(3):1248-54. Epub 2010 Jun 4 (IF 3.215)
29 . Mao G, Tan J, Cui MZ, Chui DH, Xu X. AbetaPP plays an essential role in the interaction of CTF beta with the gamma-secretase complex and the formation of amyloid-beta. J Alzheimers Dis. 2009;18(1):167-76(IF 4.261)
30 . Mi Li, Miao Sun, Yi Liu, Jia Yu, Huan Yang, Dongsheng Fan and Chui DH. Copper down-regulates neprilysin activity through modulation of neprilysin degradation. J Alzheimers Dis. 2010 Jan;19(1):161-9. (IF 4.261)
31 . Yi Liu, Zhanlei Ye, Hanzhi Luo, Miao Sun, Mi Li, Dongsheng Fan, Chui DH. Inhalative formaldehyde exposure enhances aggressive behavior and disturbes monoamines in frontal cortex synaptosome of male rats. Neurosci Lett. 2009 Oct 23;464(2):113-6 (IF 2.055)
32 . Xunde Xian, Tingting Liu, Jia Yub, Yuhui Wang, Yifei Miao, Jianjun Zhang, Yan Yu, Colin Ross, Hayden MR, George Liu, Chui DH. Presynaptic Defects Underlying Impaired Learning and Memory Function in Lipoprotein Lipase Deficient Mice. J. Neurosci. 8;29(14):4681-5,2009(IF 7.272)
33 . T Liu, J Yu, WZ Xiao, L Zhou, H Yang, L Wang, D Fan, DH Chui. Role of age related factor for Alzheimer’s disease; the important role of lipid. Proceedings of the international conference on aging Springer WienNewYork. ISSN 0043-5325. S43-44, 2009
34 . Wang Ding-yi; Yang Huan; Zhou Liang,Ruizhong Xiao,Dongsheng Fan, Dehua Chui. Role of ApoE in Alzheimer s disease. Nervous Diseases and Mental Health. 9 (2):93-95.2009
35 . Zhang Xu,Sun Miao,Zhou Liang,Dehua Chui. Alzheimer s disease s most important secretase BACE1 and its inhibitors. Nervous Diseases and Mental Health. 9 (2):1-6.2009
36 . Mao GS ,Francesco Marotta ,Yu J,Zhou L,Yu Y ,Wang LN, Chui DH. DNA context and promoter activity affect gene expression in lentiviral vectors. Acta Biomed, 79(3):192-6, 2008
37 . Jia Ge, Yan Yu, Chui DH, Pengfei Tu. Protective effect of Xylocoside G on Aβ25-35 –induced neurotoxicity in PC12 cells. Chin Pharm. J. (18 ) 21-26, 2008
38 . Chen Q, Yin R, Lu J, L B, YU J, Wang L, Chui DH. Role of cox-2 and CNPase on oligodendrocyte apoptosis in heroin-induced spongiform leucoencephalopathy. Natl Med J China. 88 (25): 1742-1745, 2008
39 . Yin R, Lu J, L B, Chen Q, Yu J, Chui DH. Bcl-2/ bax expression and oligodendrocyte apoptosis in the pathogenesis of heroin-induced spongiform eucoencephalopathy. Natl Med J China, 88(11): 749-753. 2008
40 . Chui DH, Marotta F, Liu T, Minelli E, Yadav H, Signorelli P, Lorenzetti A, Jain S. Effect of modified alkaline supplementation on bone metabolic turnover in rats. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 22(4):225-31. 2008
41. Marotta F, Chui DH, Lorenzetti A, Fayet F, Liu T, Marandola P. Muscular metabolism in aged rats under exhaustive exercise: effect of a modified alkaline supplementation. Rejuvenation Res. 11(2):519-22. 2008
42 . Ma xiaojun, Liu xinying, Han-hongbin,Fan SH,Chui DH. Research progress of Molecular Imaging in Alzheimer's disease. Nervous Diseases and Mental Health. 8 (1):1-4. 2008
43 . Zhang lei,Wang li-na,Fan SH,Chui DH. Role of Age related factor in Alzheimer disease. Nervous Diseases and Mental Health. ;8 (2):83-87. 2008
44 . Zhou jing, Dong wenmin, Wang li-na , Chui DH. Role of Caveolin in centre neuronal system. Nervous Diseases and Mental Health. 8 (3): 165-169. 2008
45 . Sun Miao, Li Mi, Wang li-na, Chui DH. The progress in researching APP intracellular domain (AICD). Nervous Diseases and Mental Health. 8 (4): 247-251. 2008
46 . Liu Tingting, Chui DH. Role of lipids and lipid-associated proteins in Alzheimer s disease, Nervous Diseases and Mental Health. 8 (5):329-334.2008
47 . Yan Yu, Liang Zhou, Feng Xu,Hongbin Han, Dongsheng Pan and Chui DH. Role of the blood-brain barrier in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Nervous Diseases and Mental Health. 8 (6): 411-413, 2008
48 . Araki W, Takahashi-Sasaki N, Chui DH, Saito S, Takeda K, Shirotani K, Takahashi K, Murayama KS, Kametani F, Shiraishi H, Komano H, Tabira T. A family of membrane proteins associated with presenilin expression and gamma-secretase function. FASEB J. 22 (3):819-27,2008
49 . Marotta F, Chui DH, Lorenzetti A, Fayet F, Liu T, Marandola P. et al. Muscular metabolism in aged rats under exhaustive exercise: effect of a modified alkaline supplementation. Rejuvenation Res. 11(2):519-22. 2008
50 . Jing-Yan Han, Jing-Yu Fan, Yoshinori Horie, Soichiro Miura,Chui DH, Hiromasa Ishi, Toshifumi Hibi, Hiroshi Tsuneki, Ikuko Kimura. Ameliorating effects of compounds derived from Salvia miltiorrhiza root extract on microcirculatory disturbance and target organ injury by ischemia and reperfusion. Pharmacology & Therapeutics.117:280-295.2008
51 . Marotta F, Mao GS, Liu T, Chui DH, Lorenzetti A, Xiao Y, Marandola P. Anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effect of a phytoestrogen compound on rat microglia. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2006 Nov;1089:276-81.
52 . Tanemura K, Chui DH, Murayama M, Park JM, Tatebayashi Y, Miyasaka T, Kimura T, Hashikawa T, Nakano Y, Kudo T, Takeda M, Takashima A. Formation of tau inclusions in knock-in mice with familial Alzheimer disease (FAD) mutation of presenilin 1 (PS1). J Biol Chem. 24; 281 (8):5037-4,2006
53 . Yuan Xiao, Jia Ge, Dongsheng Fan and Dehua Chui. Constituents of Ginseng and their effects on the central neuronal system. Chemical Industry press. ISBN 7-5025-9164-8. pp3-8. 2006,
54 . Tingting Liu, Mi Li Dongsheng Fan and Dehua Chui. Role of Ginseng on Neurodegenerative Disorders. Chemical Industry press. ISBN 7-5025-9164-8. pp17-25. 2006,
55 . Shukkur EA, Shimohata A, Akagi T, Yu W, Chui DH, Subramhanya KH, Hashikawa T, Takashima A, Yamakawa K. Mitochondrial dysfunction and tau hyperphosphorylation in Ts1Cje, a mouse model for Down syndrome.Hum Mol Genet. 15; 15(18):2752-62,2006
56 . Ohyagi Y, Asahara H,Chui DH, Tsuruta Y, Sakae N, Miyoshi K, Yamada T, Kikuchi H, Taniwaki T, Murai H, Ikezoe K, Furuya H, Kawarabayashi T, Shoji M, Checler F, Iwaki T, Makifuchi T, Takeda K, Kira J, Tabira T. Intracellular Aβ42 activates p53 promoter: a pathway to neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease. FASEB J.;19 (2):255-7. 2005
57 . Takashima A and Chui DH: Animal models of Alzheimer's disease. Japan linsho. 2005; 259-301. Hatakeyama S, Matsumoto M, Kamura T, Murayama M, Chui DH, Planel E, Takahashi R, Nakayama KI, Takashima A. U-box protein carboxyl terminus of Hsc70-interacting protein (CHIP) mediates poly-ubiquitylation preferentially on four-repeat Tau and is involved in neurodegeneration of tauopathy. J Neurochem.; Oct; 91 (2):299-307. 2004
58 . Planel E, Miyasaka T, Launey T, Chui DH, Tanemura K, Sato S, Murayama O, Ishiguro K, Tatebayashi Y, Takashima A. Alterations in glucose metabolism induce hypothermia leading to tau hyperphosphorylation through differential inhibition of kinase and phosphatase activities: implications for Alzheimer's disease.J Neurosci.; Mar 10; 24 (10):2401-11. 2004
59 . Chui DH. Alzheimer’s disease with Cotton wool plaques. Japan linsho.; 259-301. 2004
60 . Watanabe N., Araki W, Chui DH, T Tabira. Glypican-1 as an A Binding Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan (HSPG) in the Human Brain: Its Localization in Detergent-insoluble Glycosphingolipid-enriched (DIG) Domains and its Possible Roles in the Accumulation of Abeta in Alzheimer’s Disease. FASEB J. Apr 14. 10. 1096. 2004;
61 . Chui DH. Alzheimer’s disease with Cotton wool plaques. Japan linsho.; 259-301. 2004
62 . Chui DH: Making method of gene transfer model. Animal models of Alzheimer's disease. LIC. Tokyo, 2004; p163-173,
63 . Chui DH.Alzheimer’s disease with Cotton wool plaques. Japan linsho. 2004; 259-301.
64 . Chui DH. Cotton wool plaques formation is related to the deposition of Abeta42 and ApoE in the synapses of Alzheimer disease with presenilin-1 mutation. Dementia Japan, 17: 29-35, 2003
65 . Yoshiike Y, Chui DH, Akagi T, Tanaka N, Takashima A. Specific compositions of amyloid-beta peptides as the determinant of toxic beta-aggregation. J Biol Chem. 2003; 278 (26): 23648-55.
66 . Santa Y, Uyama E, Chui DH, Arima M, Kotorii S, Takahashi K, Tabira T. Genetic, clinical and pathological studies of CADASIL in Japan: a partial contribution of Notch3 mutations and implications of smooth muscle cell degeneration for the pathogenesis. J Neurol Sci. 2003; 212 (1-2): 79-84.
67 . Tatebayashi Y, Miyasaka T, Chui DH, Akagi T, Mishima K, Iwasaki K, Fujiwara M, Tanemura K, Murayama M, Ishiguro K, Planel E, Sato S, Hashikawa T, Takashima A. Tau filament formation and associative memory deficit in aged mice expressing mutant (R406W) human tau. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002; 99 (21): 13896-901.
68. Sato S, Tatebayashi Y, Akagi T, Chui DH, Murayama M, Miyasaka T, Planel E, Tanemura K, Sun X, Hashikawa T, Yoshioka K, Ishiguro K, Takashima A. Aberrant tau phosphorylation by glycogen synthase kinase-3beta and JNK3 induces oligomeric tau fibrils in COS-7 cells. J Biol Chem. 2002; 277 (44): 42060-5.
69 . Tabira T, Chui DH et al. Alzheimer's disease with spastic paresis and cotton wool type plaques. J Neurosci Res. 2002; 70 (3): 367-72.
70. Chui DH, Dobo E, Makifuchi T, Akiyama H, Kawakatsu S, Petit A, Checler F, Araki W, Takahashi K, Tabira T.. Apoptotic neurons in Alzheimer's disease frequently show intracellular Abeta42 labeling. J of Alzheimer’s Disease. 2001; 3: 231-239.
71. Mizoguchi K, Yuzurihara M, Ishige A, Sasaki H, Chui DH, Tabira T.. Chronic stress induces impairment of spatial working memory because of prefrontal dopaminergic dysfunction. J Neurosci. 2000; 20 (4): 1568-74.
72 . Chui DH, Tanahashi H, Ozawa K, Ikeda S, Checler F, Ueda O, Suzuki H, Araki W, Inoue H, Shirotani K, Takahashi K, Gallyas F, Tabira T.Transgenic mice with Alzheimer presenilin 1 mutations show accelerated neurodegeneration without amyloid plaque formation. Nature Medicine.; 5:560-564. 1999
73. Chui DH, Shirotani K, Tanahashi H, Akiyama H, Ozawa K, Kunishita T, Takahashi K, Makifuchi T, Tabira T.. Both N-terminal and C-terminal fragments of presenilin 1 colocalize with neurofibrillary tangles in neurons and dystrophic neurites of senile plaques in Alzheimer's disease. J Neurosci Res. 1998 ; Jul 1; 53 (1):99-106
74. Chui DH, Tabira T, Izumi S, Koya G, Ogata J.. Decreased beta-amyloid and increased abnormal Tau deposition in the brain of aged patients with leprosy. Am J Pathol. 1994; 145 (4): 771-5.