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9301. Bian JT, Sun MZ, Han JS: Reversal of electroacupuncture tolerance by CCK-8 antiserum: an electrophysiological study on Pain-related neurons in nucleus parafascicularis of the rat. Intn J Neurosci, 1993; 72: 15-29


9302. Bian JT, Sun MZ, Xu MY, Han JS: Antagonism by CCK-8 of the antinociceptive effect of electroacupuncture on pain-related neurons in nucleus parafascicularis of the rat. Asia Pacific J Pharmacol, 1993; 8: 89-97


9303. Han JS, Zhang RL: Suppression of morphine abstinence syndrome by body electroacupuncture of different frequencies in rats. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 1993; 31: 169-175


9304. Han JS: Acupuncture and stimulation produced analgesia. In: Opioids II ( Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology Vol 104/II, ed. A Herz, Springer: Berlin, Chapter 35 ) 1993, pp105`125


9305. Ji RR, Zhang ZW, Zhou Y, Zhang Q, Han JS: Induction of c-fos expression in the rostral medulla of rats following elecroacupuncture stimulation. Intern J Neurosci, 1993; 72: 183-191


9306. Lin JG, Hao T, Chen XH, Han JS: Intermittent-alternating mode of administering electroacupuncture stimulation postpones the development of electroacupuncture tolerance. Am J Acupuncture, 1993; 21: 57-75


9307. Ma QP, Zhou Y, Han JS: Electroacupuncture accelerated the expression of c-fos protooncogene in dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area of the rat. Inten J Neurosci, 1993; 70: 217-222


9308. Mei L, Han JS: The antagonistic effect of cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8) on opioid effects in cardiovascular activities was mediated by CCK-8 receptor. Science in China, 1993; 36: 817-823


9310. Wang JF, Ren MF, Xue JC, Han JS: Cyclic AMP mediates mu and delta, but not kappa opioid analgesia in the spinal cord of the rat. Life Sci, 1993; 52: 1955-1960


9311. Wang JF, Shun XJ, Yang HF, Ren MF: Suppression by DPDPE on cyclic AMP dependent protein kinase A induced, but not protein kinase C-induced increment of intracellular free calcium in NG-108-15 cells. Life Sci, 1993; 52: 1519-1529


9312. Xu MY, Sun MZ, Yang YZ, Zhang LM, Han JS: Effects of morphine on the activities of pain-related neurons in nucleus parafascicularis in morphine-tolerated rat.Chin J Physiol Sci, 1993; 9: 228-234


9313. Xu T, Ji RR, Wang T, Han JS: Expression of preprodynorphin and preproenkephalin mRNA in nucleus tractus solitarII of rats subjected to endotoxin and effect of naltrexone on the expression. Chin J Physiol Sci, 1993; 9: 331-334


9314. Xu T, Wang T, Cao YX, E.F.HAHN, Han JS: Effect of nalmefene, a kappa selecting opioid antagonist, endotoxic hypotension in rats.Chin J Physiol Sci, 1993; 9: 1-10


9315. Zhang LJ, Wang XJ, Han JS: Modification of opioid receptors and uncoupling of receptors from G proteins as possible mechanisms underlying suppression of opioid binding by cholecystokinin octapeptide. Chin Med Sci J, 1993; 8: 1-4


9316. Zhang LX, Zhou Y, Du Y, Han JS: Effect of CCK-8 on audiogenic epileptic seizure in P77PMC rats.Neuropeptides, 1993; 25: 73-76


9317. Zhou Y, Sun YH, Han JS: Increased release of immunoreactive CCK-8 by electroacupuncture and enhancement of electroacupuncture analgesia by CCK-8 antagonist in rat spinal cord.Neuropeptides, 1993; 24: 139-144


9318. Zhou Y, Sun YH, Zhang ZW, Han JS: Increased release of immunoreactive cholecystokinin octapeptide by morphine and potentiation of opioid analgesia by CCK-B receptor antagonist L-365,260 in rat spinal cord. Eur J Pharmacol, 1993; 234: 147-154


9319. 陈素珍,韩济生: 血管紧张素II刺激NG108-15细胞磷酸肌醇的生成。中国药理学与毒理学杂志, 1993; 7: 250-253


9320. 陈素珍,韩济生: 血管紧张素II对大鼠脊髓细胞磷脂酰肌醇转化的影响。科学通报, 1993; 38: 80-82


9321. 陈素珍,韩济生: 血管紧张素IIDPDPENG108-15细胞c-fos的影响。中国科学, 1993; 23: 1295-1299


9322. 纪如荣,张勤,韩济生: 电针可促进前脑啡肽原mRNA在大鼠脊髓和延髓的表达:原位杂交研究。生理学报, 1993; 45: 395-399


9323. 纪如荣,张勤,张淼,韩济生: 电针诱发大鼠中枢神经系统Fos样蛋白的生成。科学通报, 1993; 38: 370-373


9324. 路新云,马青平,韩济生: 血管紧张素II增加新生鼠脑细胞胞浆Ca2+浓度。生物化学杂志, 1993; 9: 278-281


9325. 梅林,韩济生: 八肽胆囊收缩素在心血管调控中的抗阿片作用是通过CCK-8受体完成的。中国科学, 1992; 5: 503-508


9326. 朴素芬,韩济生: 大鼠杏仁核内注射八肽胆囊收缩素(CCK-8) 拮抗吗啡镇痛的研究。生理学报, 1993; 45: 470-478


9327. 周岩,马青平,张志文,孙宇华,韩济生: 电针刺激大鼠脑内c-fos原癌基因表达加速。科学通报, 1993; 38: 169-172


9328. 周岩,孙宇华,韩济生: 胆囊收缩素受体拮抗剂加强大鼠吗啡镇痛和羟甲芬太尼镇痛。生理学报, 1993; 45: 252-261