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0801Chu NN, Xia W, Yu P, Hu L, Zhang R, Cui CL CA. Chronic morphine-induced neuronal morphological changes in the ventral tegmental area in rats are reversedbyelectroacupuncture treatment. Addiction Biology. 2008;13: 47-51.  

0802Cui YY, Liang P, Wang KW CA. Enhanced trafficking of tetrameric Kv4.3 channels by KChIP1 clamping. Neurochemical Research. 2008; 33(10):2078-84.   

0803Hua QP, Zeng XZ, Liu JY, Wang JY, Guo JY, Luo F CA. Dynamic Changes in Brain Activations and Functional Connectivity during Affectively Different Tactile Stimuli. Cell Molecular Neurobiolog. 2008; 28 (1): 57-70.   

0804 Huang C, Huang ZQ, Hu ZP, Jiang SZ, Li HT, Han JS, Wan YCA. Electroacupuncture effects in a rat model of complete Freund's adjuvant-induced inflammatory pain: antinociceptive effects enhanced and tolerance development accelerated. Neurochemical Research. 2008; 33(10): 2107-2111.   

0805 Jiang YQ, Xing GG, Wang SL, Tu HY, Chi YN, Li J, Liu FY, Han JS, Wan Y CA. Axonal accumulation of hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channels contributes to mechanical allodynia after peripheral nerve injury in rat. Pain. 2008; 137: 495–506.  

0806Lambert C, Berlin I, Lee TL, Hee SW, Tan ASL, Picard D, Han JS CA. A Standardized Transcutaneous Electric Acupoint Stimulation for5 Relieving Tobacco Urges in Dependent Smokers. eCAM. 2008; 10.1093: 1- 9.   

0807Lau LT, Reid SM, King DP, Lau AMF, Shaw AE, Ferris NP, Yu ACH CA. Detection of foot-and-mouth disease virus by nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA). Veterinary Microbiology. 2008; 126:101–110.  

0808Li Y, Zhang Y, Han JS, Wang Y CA. Distinct responses of DREAM to electroacupuncture stimulation with different frequency under physiological and inflammatory conditions in rats. Neurochemical Research. 2008; 33: 2070-2077.   

0809Lu Y, Sun YN, Wu X, Sun Q, Liu FY, Xing GG, Wan YCA. Role of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (AMPA) receptor subunit GluR1 in spinal dorsal horn in inflammatory nociception and neuropathic nociception in rat. Brain Research. 2008; 1200: 19-26.  

0810Luo H, Xu IS, Chen Y, Yang F, Yu L, Li GX, Liu FY, Xing GG, Shi YS,Li T, Han JS, Wan Y CA. Behavioral and Electrophysiological Evidence for the Differential Functions of TRPV1 at Early and Late Stages of Chronic Inflammatory Nociception in Rats. Neurochemical Research. 2008; 33(10):2151-8.   

0811Ma YY, Shi XD, Han JS, Cui CL CA. Peripheral electrical stimulation-induced suppression of morphine-induced CCP in rats: a role for dopamine in the nucleus accumbens. Brain Research. 2008; 1212: 63-70.   

0812Qiao ZM, Wang JY, Han JS, Luo F CA. Dynamic processing of nociception in cortical network in conscious rats: a laser-evoked field potential study. Cell Molecular Neurobiolog. 2008; 28(5):671-687.  

0813Wang FCA, Tian DR, Han JS. Electroacupuncture in the treatment of obesity. Neurochemical Research. 2008; 33(10):2023-2027.   

0814Wu LY, Wang Y, Jin B, Zhao T, Wu HT, Wu Y, Fan M, Wang XMCA, Ling-Ling ZhuCA. The Role of Hypoxia in the Differentiation of P19 Embryonal Carcinoma Cells into Dopaminergic Neurons. Neurochemical Research. 2008; 33:2118–2125.   

0815Xia W, Chu NN, Liang J, Li YJ, Zhang R, Han JS, Cui CL CA. Electroacupuncture of 2 Hz Has a Rewarding Effect: Evidence from a Conditioned Place Preference Study in Rats. eCAM 2008; Page 1 of 6, doi:10.1093/ecam/nen043.   

0816Yin DM, Huang HY, Zhu YB, Wang Y CA. Both the establishment and maintenance of neuronal polarity require the activity of protein kinase D in the Golgi apparatus. Journal of Neuroscience, 2008; 28(35):8832-8843.   

0817 Yu L, Yang F, Luo H, Liu FY, Han JS, Xing GGCA, Wan Y CA. The role of TRPV1 in different subtypes of dorsal root ganglion neurons in rat chronic inflammatory nociception induced by complete Freund's adjuvant. Molecular Pain. 2008; 4:61.   

0818Zhu HH, Yang YR, Zhang H, Han Y, Li Y, Zhang Y, Yin DM, He QH, Zhao ZQ, Blumberg PM, Han JS, Wang Y CA. Interaction between protein kinase D1 and transient receptor potential V1 in primary sensory neurons is involved in heat hypersensitivity. Pain. 2008;137(3):574-88.   

0819Araki W CA, Takahashi-Sasaki N, Cui DH, Saito S, Takeda K, Shirotani K, Takahashi K, Murayama KS, Kametani F, Shiraishi H, Komano H, Tabira T. A family of membrane proteins associated with presenilin expression and gamma-secretase function. FASEB J. 2008; 22 (3):819-27.   

0820Han JY CA, Fan JY, Horie Y, Miura S, Cui DH, Ishi H, Hibi T, Tsuneki H, Kimura I. Ameliorating effects of compounds derived from Salvia miltiorrhiza root extract on microcirculatory disturbance and target organ injury by ischemia and reperfusion.2008;117:280–295.   

0821Marotta F, Cui DH, Lorenzetti A, Fayet F, Liu T, Marandola P CA. Muscular metabolism in aged rats under exhaustive exercise: effect of a modified alkaline supplementation. Rejuvenation Res. 2008;11 (2):519-22.   

0822Overstreet DH, Cui CL, Ma YY, Guo CY, Han JS, Lukas SE, Lee DYW CA. Electroacupuncture reduces voluntary alcohol intake in alcohol-preferring rats via an opiate-sensitive mechanism. Neurochemical Research. 2008; 33(10):2166-70.   

0823Zhou Y CA, Cui CL, Schlussman SD, Choi CJ, HO A, Han JS, Kreek MJ. Effects of cocaine place conditioning, chronic escalating-dose “binge” pattern cocaine administration and acute withdrawal on orexin/hypocretin gene expression in lateral hypothalamus of fischer and Sprague-dawley rats. Neuroscience. 2008, 153: 1225-1234.   

0824陈强,陆江阳,陆兵勋,尹瑞雪,于佳,王丽娜,崔德华CA.环氧合酶-2/CNPase对海洛因海绵体白质脑病中少突胶质细胞凋亡的作用.中华医学杂志.2008; 88(25): 1742-1745.  

0825曲晓秀,李鸣佳,蔡捷,郑琴,池叶楠,刘风雨,万有,韩济生,邢国刚CA. 蛛网膜下腔应用Ro 25-6981对神经病理痛大鼠的镇痛作用及其电生理学机制研究. 中国疼痛医学杂志. 2008; 14 (2):87-91  

0826其勇,邢国刚,李杰,万有CA. 腰5脊神经结扎大鼠腰4背根神经节神经元超极化激活电流的变化. 中国疼痛医学杂志. 2008; 14 (4):218-221.  

0827 闫俊娟,倪牧宇,曲之毅,吴鎏桢CA,韩济生. 2/100Hz经皮穴位电刺激治疗青少年网瘾ET结果的初步探讨.中国药物依赖性杂志. 2008; 17 (4) : 282–285.  

0828尹瑞雪,陆江阳,陆兵勋,陈强,于佳,崔德华CA.bcl-2/bax基因表达和少突胶质细胞凋亡在海洛因海绵体白质脑病发病机制中的作用.中华医学杂志.2008; 88(11): 749-753.  

0829张含荑,王锦琰,罗非CA. 预期作用对大鼠皮层-丘脑神经元伤害性反应的调节. 中国疼痛医学杂志. 2008;14 (3): 155-158.