1301. Liu M, Yang H, Fang D, Yang JJ, Cai J, Wan Y, Chui DH, Han JS, Xing GG*.Up-regulation of P2X3 receptors by neuronal calcium sensor protein VILIP-1 in dorsal root ganglion contributes to the bone cancer pain. Pain. 2013; 154(9):1551-1568.(article,IF 5.644)
1302. Li Y, Cai J, Han Y, Xiao X, Meng XL, Su L, Liu FY, Xing GG, Wan Y *. Enhanced function of TRPV1 via up-regulation by insulin-like growth factor-1 in a rat model of bone cancer pain. Eur J Pain. 2013 (in press). Article first published online: 29 OCT 2013 | DOI: 10.1002/j.1532-
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1303. Li Z, Wang J, Chen L, Zhang M, Wan Y *. Basolateral amygdala lesion inhibits the development of pain chronicity in neuropathic pain rats. Plos One .2013; 8(8): e70921. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0070921. (article, IF 3.73)
1304. Wang J, Wang J, Li D, Li XL, Wan Y *. Modulation of brain electroencephalography oscillations by electro-acupuncture in a rat model of post-incisional pain. Evid-Based Compl Alt Med. 2013; vol 2013, article ID 160357, 11 pages. doi:10.1155/2013/160357. (article, IF 1.722)
1305. Liu J, Liu FY, Tong ZQ, Li ZH, Chen W, Luo WH, Li H, Luo HJ, Tang Y, Tang JM, Cai J, Liao FF, Wan Y *. Lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) in the breast cancer cells contributes to the production of endogenous formaldehyde in metastatic bone cancer pain model of rats. Plos One. 2013; 8(3): e58957. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0058957. (article, IF 3.73)
1306. Zhang H, Chen XL, Zhang C, Zhang R, Lao LX, Wan Y *,Yi M *.Comparison of restrained and unrestrained rat models of electro-acupuncture in rats. Evid-Based Compl Alt Med. 2013; (in press) (article, IF 1.722)
1307. Xie D, Liu Z, Hou X, Zhang B, Xiong J, Yi M *, Chen R.Heat-sensitisation in suspended moxibustion: features and clinical relevance. Acupunct Med. 2013;31(4):422-424. (article, IF 1.047)
1308. Xu XJ, Shou XJ, Li J, Jia MX, Zhang JS, Guo Y, Wei QY, Zhang XT, Han SP, Zhang R*, Han JS*.Mothers of Autistic Children: Lower Plasma Levels of Oxytocin and Arg-Vasopressin and a Higher Level of Testosterone. PLoS One. 2013;8(9):e74849.(article,IF 3.73)
1309. Sun LL, Hu L, Li YJ, Cui CL*.Mesoaccumbens dopamine signaling alteration underlies behavioral transition from tolerance to sensitization to morphine rewarding properties during morphine withdrawal. Brain Struct Funct. 2013 [Epub ahead of print] (article,IF 7.837).
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1311. Liu S, Liu YP, Song WB,Song XJ*. EphrinB-EphB receptor signaling contributes to bone cancer pain via Toll-like receptor and proinflammatory cytokines in rat spinal cord. Pain , 2013;154:2823-2835. (article,IF 5.644)
1312. Yu CZ, Liu YP, Liu S, Yan M, Hu SJ,Song XJ*.Systematic administration of B vitamins attenuates neuropathic hyperalgesia and reduces spinal neuron injury following temporary spinal cord ischaemia in rats. Eur J Pain. 2013 Sep 5. doi: 10.1002/j.1532-2149.2013.00390.x. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 24038589. (article,IF 3.38).
1313. Li ZQ, Rong XY, Liu YJ, Ni C, Tian XS, Mo N, Chui DH*, Guo XY*.Activation of the canonical nuclear factor-κB pathway is involved in isoflurane-induced hippocampal interleukin-1β elevation and the resultant cognitive deficits in aged rats. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013 Sep 6;438(4):628-34.(article,IF 2.406)
1314. Liu Y, Ni C, Tang Y, Tian X, Zhou Y, Qian M, Li Z, Chui D*,Guo X*.Melatonin attenuates isoflurane-induced acute memory impairments in aged rats. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2013 Oct;113(4):215-20 (article,IF 2.124)
1315. Liu X, Lu M, Tang L, Zhang N, Chui D*, Fan D*.ATXN2 CAG repeat expansions increase the risk for Chinese patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Neurobiol Aging. 2013 Sep;34(9):2236.e5-8 (article, IF 6.166)
1316. Gao K, Wang CR, Jiang F, Wong AYK, Su N, Jiang JH, Chai RC, Teng J, Chen J, Jiang YW, Yu AC*. Traumatic scratch injury in astrocytes triggers calcium influx to activate the JNK/c-Jun/AP-1 pathway and switch on GFAP expression. Glia. 2013; 61(12):2063-77 (article, IF 5.066)
1317. Chai RC, Jiang JH, Wong AYK, Jiang F, Gao K, Vatcher G, Yu ACH*. AQP5 is differentially regulated in astrocytes during metabolic and traumatic injuries. Glia. 2013; 61(10):1748-65 (article, IF 5.066)
1318. Zhang YK, Huang ZJ, Liu S, Liu YP, Song AA, Song XJ*. WNT signaling underlies the pathogenesis of neuropathic pain in rodents. J Clinical Investigation. , 2013; 123(5):2268-86. (article,IF 15.38).
1319. Tong Z, Han C, Luo W, Li H, Luo H, Qiang M, Su T, Wu B, Liu Y, Yang X, Wan Y, Cui D *, He R *.Aging-associated excess formaldehyde leads to spatial memory deficits. Scientific Reports. 2013; 3: 2045-2322. DOI: 10.1038/srep01807.
1320. Li W, Yu J, Liu Y, Huang X, Abumaria N, Zhu Y, Huang X, Xiong W, Ren C, Liu XG, Chui D, Liu G*. Elevation of brain magnesium prevents and reverses cognitive deficits and synaptic loss in Alzheimer's disease mouse model. J Neurosci. 2013 May 8;33(19):8423-41(article,IF 6.908)
1321. Li L, Liu QR, Xiong XX, Liu JM, Lai XJ, Cheng C, Pan F, Chen Y, Yu SB, Yu AC, Chen XQ*. Neuroglobin Promotes Neurite Outgrowth via Differential Binding to PTEN and Akt. Mol Neurobiol. 2013 Aug 1. [Epub ahead of print] (article,IF 5.471)
1322. Liu JM, Pan F, Li L, Liu QR, Chen Y, Xiong XX, Cheng K, Yu SB, Shi Z, Yu AC, Chen XQ*.Piperlongumine selectively kills glioblastoma multiforme cells via reactive oxygen species accumulation dependent JNK and p38 activation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013, 437(1):87-93. (article, IF 2.406)
1323. Yang CZ, Rahimpour S, Yu AC, Lonser RR, Zhuang ZP*. Regulation and dysregulation of astrocyte activation and implications in tumor formation. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2013 Nov;70(22):4201-11. doi: 10.1007/s00018-013-1274-8. Epub 2013 Feb 19. (review, IF 5.615)
1324. Lei L,Cao X, Yang F, Shi DJ, Tang YQ, Zheng J, and Wang KW*.A TRPV4 Channel C-terminal Folding Recognition Domain Critical for Trafficking and Function.J Biol Chem, 2013,288(15):10427-10439.(article, IF 4.651)
1325. Tang YQ, Liang P, Zhou JH, Lu YX, Lei L, Bian XL, and Wang KW*. Auxiliary KChIP4a Suppresses A-type K Current through Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Retention and Promoting Closed-state Inactivation of Kv4 Channels.J Biol Chem, 2013, 288(21):14727-41.(article, IF 4.651)
1326. Xu N,Song XJ*. Analgesia and neural protection of B vitamins. Chinese J Pain Medicine . 2013;19(10):609-613 (特约综述)
1327. 李晋,梁思晨,张嵘* 杏仁核异常与孤独症患者社会交往障碍的关系。 生理科学进展 ,2013;44(2):121-124
1328. 寿小婧,魏青云,赵丽娜,张嵘*孤独症谱系障碍的功能磁共振成像研究进展。 中国医学影像学 ,2013;21(8):628-630
1329. 孔繁军,王威,于璐,赵磊,冀拓,朴丽颖,任天云,崔德华*。脑老化糖基化终末产物上调BACEl活性促进Aβ生成。 神经疾病与精神卫生 ,2013,13(2)
1330. 张韬,童亚伟,崔德华*,田小生,周婷,冀拓,樊东升。脑衰老与慢性炎症所致老年认知障碍症的研究进展。 神经疾病与精神卫生 ,2013,13(1)
1331. 杨欢,周婷,崔德华*,童亚伟,战锐,张韬,张辉,肖卫忠,樊东升。脂代谢对脑衰老和老年认知障碍症的影响 神经疾病与精神卫生 ,2013,13(2)
1332. 冀拓,张韬,王贺成,田小生,崔德华*,微量元素与脑衰老及老年性认知障碍症。 神经疾病与精神卫生 ,2013, 13(4)
1333. 杨静静, 刘小旦, 方东, 刘敏, 蔡捷, 万有, 韩济生, 邢国刚*. 电压门控型钠离子通道Nav1.8 在骨癌大鼠DRG 神经元细胞膜上的表达上调. 中国疼痛医学杂志. 2013,11: 33-37. (论著, 第1完成单位)