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8601. Ding XZ, Fan SG, Zhou JP, Han JS: Reversal of tolerance to morphine analgesia but no potentiation of morphine-induced analgesia by antiserum against cholecystokinin octapeptide. Neuropharmacology, 1986; 25: 1155-1160


8602. Fei H, Xie GX, Han JS: Low and high frequency electroacupuncture stimulation release (Met5) enkephalin and dynorphin A in rat spinal cord. Kexue tongbao, 1986; 32: 1496-1501


8603. Han JS: Electroacupuncture: An alternative to antidepressants for treating affective disorders. Intn J Neurosc, 1986; 29: 79-92


8604. Han JS: Physiologic and neurochemical basis of acupuncture analgesia. The International Textbook of Cardiology, 1986; : 1124-1132


8605. Han JS, Ding XZ, Fan SG: Cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8):Antagoniam to electroacupuncture analgesia and a possible role in electroacupuncture tolerance. Pain, 1986; 27: 101-115


8606. Han JS, Xuan YT: A mesolimbic loop of analgesia: I.Activation by morphine of a serotonergic pathway from periaqueductal gray to nucleus accumbens. Intn J Neurosc, 1986; 29: 109-118


8607. Han JS, Yu LC, Shi YS: A mesolimbic loop of analgesia: III. A neuronal pathway from nucleus accumbens to periaqueductal gray. Asia Pacific J Pharmacol, 1986; 1: 17-22


8608. Jin WQ, Zhou ZF, Han JS: Electroacupuncture and morphine analgesia potentiated by bestatin and thiorphan administered to the nucleus accumbens of the rabbit. Brain Res, 1986; 380: 317-324


8609. Xuan YT, Shi YS, Zhou ZF, Han JS: Studies on the mesolimbic loop of antinociception-II. A serotonin-enkephalin interaction in the nucleus accumbens. Neuroscience, 1986; 19: 403-409


8610. 范少光,谢选珠,韩济生: 应用辣椒素研究电针镇痛的传入纤维成份。生理科学1986, 6: 322-323


8611. 费宏,谢国玺,韩济生: 大鼠脊髓内甲啡肽、亮啡肽和甲七肽在镇痛和电针镇痛中的不同作用。动物学报, 1986; 32: 21-27


8612. 费宏,谢国玺,韩济生: 不同频率电针镇痛效果与脊髓内甲啡肽和强啡肽释放量有关。科学通报, 1986; 31: 1512-1515


8613. 韩济生,丁玄宙,范少光: 吗啡受体拮抗剂翻转电针镇痛的程度决定于电针的刺激频率。生理学报, 1986; 38: 475-482


8614. 韩济生,谢国玺,费宏,张嘉庆,于德水: 应用强啡肽 A(1-13) 酰胺治疗晚期癌症痛的初步报告。北京医科大学学报, 1986; 18: 111-112


8615. 韩济生,张敏,任民峰: 横断大鼠脊髓对电针镇痛和吗啡镇痛的影响。科学通报, 1986; 31: 228-231


8616. 李思嘉,韩济生: 大鼠脊髓蛛网膜下腔注射5-羟色胺和吗啡的镇痛作用。生理学报, 1986; 38: 19-25


8617. 张敏,谢国玺,韩济生,任民峰: 脊髓蛛网膜下腔注射脑啡肽的镇痛作用-甲啡肽与亮啡肽的比较。北京医科大学学报, 1986; 18: 19-22