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8901. Han JS: Central neurotransmitters and acupuncture analgesia. In: Scientific Basis of Acupuncture ( Pomeranz B, Stux G, eds ) Springer: Berlin, 1989, pp7-13


8902. Li Y, Han JS: Cholecystokinin-octapeptide antagonizes morphine analgesia in periaqueductal gray of the rat. Brain Res, 1989; 480: 105-110


8903. Wang JF, Han SP, LuZ, Wang XJ, Han JS: Effect of calcium ion on analgesia of opioid peptides. Intern J Neurosc, 1989; 47: 279-285


8904. Wang KW, Han JS: Accelerated synthesis and release of angiotensin II in the rat brain during electroacupuncture tolerance. Science in China(B), 1989; 33: 686-693


8905. Wang XJ, Fan SG, Ren MF, Han JS: Cholecystokinin-8 suppressed [3H]-etorphine binding to rat brain opiate receptors. Life Sciences, 1989; 45: 117-123


8906. Yu LC, Han JS: Involvement of arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus in the descending pathway from nucleus accumbens to periaqueductal grey subserving an antinociceptice effect. Intn J Neurosc, 1989; 48: 71-78


8907. 曹威,周仲福,韩济生: 家兔中脑导水管周围灰质中注射八肽胆囊收缩素(CCK-8)拮抗吗啡镇痛和电针镇痛。生理学报, 1989; 41: 388-394


8908. 高而威,王克威,韩济生: 吗啡耐受和电针耐受时大鼠脑内血管紧张素原的基因表达加速。生理学报, 1989; 41: 299-303


8910. 王克威,韩济生: 大鼠脑内血管紧张素II参与电针耐受的证据。中国应用生理学杂志, 1989; 5: 32-36


8911. 王克威,韩济生: 大鼠脑内血管紧张素II参与吗啡耐受的证据。中国药理学与毒理学杂志, 1989; 3: 7-11


8912. 王晓京,王晓民,韩济生: 八肽胆囊收缩素对吗啡抑制大鼠脑突触小体45Ca摄取的作用。中国药理学与毒理学杂志, 1989; 3: 241-246


8913. 王晓民,韩济生: 血管紧张素II在家兔导水管周围灰质内对抗电针镇痛并参与电针耐受的形成。科学通报, 1989; 34: 149-152


8914. 王晓民,韩济生: 血管紧张素II在兔中脑导水管周围灰质对抗吗啡镇痛并参与吗啡耐受的形成。中国药理学报, 1989; 10: 294-297


8915. 王晓民,王晓京,韩济生: 吗啡耐受和血管紧张素II对大鼠脑突触小体45Ca摄取的拮抗效应。生理学报, 1989; 47: 179-183


8916. 于龙川,韩济生: 从中脑导水管周围灰质至杏仁核与镇痛有关的神经通路。科学通报, 1989; 34: 68-71