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8301. Han JS, Zhou ZF, Xuan YT: Acupuncture has analgesic effect in rabbits. Pain, 1983; 15: 83-91


8302. Xie GX, Han JS, Hollt V: Electroacupuncture analgesia blocked by microinjection of anti-b-endorphin antiserum into periaqueductal gray of the rabbit. International Journal of Neuroscience, 1983; 18: 287-292


8303. Zhou ZF, Xie GX, Han JS: Substance P produced analgesia by releasing enkephalins in periqueductal gray of the rabbit. Kexue tongbao, 1983; 28: 1716


8304. 陈启盛,谢翠微,汤健,韩济生: 电针对大鼠不同脑区b-内啡肽含量的影响。科学通报, 1983; 28: 312-315


8305. 陆利,汤健,韩济生: 吗啡类药物对大鼠脑内毒蕈碱样胆碱受体亲和力的影响。中国药理学报, 1983; 4: 149-152


8306. 邱学才,韩济生: 脑室注射氨茶碱或咪唑对大鼠电针镇痛的影响。生理学报, 1983; 35: 340-344


8307. 屈智超,范少光,韩济生: 大鼠脑内g氨基丁酸对电针镇痛和吗啡镇痛的对抗作用。生理学报, 1983; 35: 401-408


8308. 周仲福,宣雨霆: 脑内钙和镁对抗吗啡镇痛和电针镇痛。针刺研究, 1983; 8: 275-279